แม่แบบ:กล่องข้อมูล เขตมิสซัง
แก้{{{jurisdiction}}}{{{name}}} {{{latin}}} {{{local}}} {{{titleoverride}}} {{{archbishopric}}} | |
Archbishopric | |
{{{border}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}|{{{image_alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{coat}}}|{{{coat_size}}}|alt={{{coat_alt}}}|{{{coat_alt}}}]] {{{coat_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{flag}}}|{{{flag_size}}}|alt={{{flag_alt}}}|border|{{{flag_alt}}}]] ธง | |
ดำรงตำแหน่ง: {{{incumbent}}} {{{incumbent_note}}} | |
รูปแบบ | {{{style}}} |
ที่ตั้ง | |
ประเทศ | {{{country}}} |
อาณาเขต | {{{territory}}} |
ประชุมเอพิสโกพัล | {{{episcopal conference}}} |
ภูมิภาคคริสตจักร | {{{ecclesiastical region}}} |
ภาค | {{{province}}} |
ที่พำนัก | {{{residence}}} |
มหานคร | {{{metropolitan}}} |
เขตอัครพันธบริกร | {{{archdeaconries}}} |
คณบดี | {{{deaneries}}} |
แผนกย่อย | {{{subdivisions}}} |
สำนักงานใหญ่ | {{{headquarters}}} |
พิกัด | {{{coordinates}}} |
สถิติ | |
พื้นที่ | 123 ตารางกิโลเมตร (47 ตารางไมล์){{{area_footnotes}}} |
ประชากร - รวม - คาทอลิก | ({{{population_as_of}}}) {{{population}}} {{{catholics}}} ({{{catholics_percent}}}%) |
แพริช | {{{parishes}}} |
โบสถ์ | {{{churches}}} |
คณะ | {{{congregations}}} |
โรงเรียน | {{{schools}}} |
สมาชิก | {{{members}}} |
ข้อมูล | |
ประมุของค์แรก | {{{first_incumbent}}} |
ก่อตั้ง | {{{date}}} |
นิกาย | {{{denomination}}} |
Sui iuris church | {{{sui_iuris_church}}} |
จารีต | {{{rite}}} |
สถาปนา | {{{established}}} |
ล้มเลิก | {{{dissolved}}} |
อัครมุขมณฑล | {{{archdiocese}}} |
มุขมณฑล | {{{diocese}}} |
อาสนวิหาร | {{{cathedral}}} |
อาสนวิหารร่วม | {{{cocathedral}}} |
{{{patron_title}}} | {{{patron}}} |
บาทหลวง | {{{priests}}} |
ภาษา | {{{language}}} |
ปฏิทิน | {{{calendar}}} |
ดนตรี | {{{music}}} |
ผู้นำ | |
คริสตจักรแม่ | {{{parent_church}}} |
กำกับดูแล | {{{governance}}} |
สันตะปาปา | {{{pope}}} |
อัครบิดร | {{{patriarch}}} |
มุขนายกหลัก | {{{major_archbishop}}} |
{{{bishop_title}}} | {{{bishop}}} |
มุขนายกมหานคร | {{{metro_archbishop}}} |
รองมุขนายก | {{{coadjutor}}} |
ผู้ช่วยมุขนายก | {{{assistant_bishops}}} |
มุขนายกผู้ช่วย | {{{auxiliary_bishops}}} |
ผู้ดูแลจากสันตะสำนัก | {{{apostolic_admin}}} |
อุปมุขนายก | {{{vicar_general}}} |
ผู้ช่วยมุขนายก | {{{episcopal_vicar}}} |
Judicial Vicar | {{{judicial_vicar}}} |
คณบดี | {{{dean}}} |
อัครพันธบริกร | {{{archdeacons}}} |
มุขนายกกิตติคุณ | {{{emeritus_bishops}}} |
แผนที่ | |
[[File:{{{map}}}|{{{map_size}}}|alt={{{map_alt}}}|{{{map_caption}}}]] {{{map_caption}}} | |
เว็บไซต์ | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{module}}} | |
{{{footnotes}}} |
{{Infobox diocese | jurisdiction = <!-- Type of jurisdiction: i.e. Diocese or Archdiocese --> | name = <!-- Place name(s) of the diocese (or archdiocese) --> | latin = <!-- Latin name of the diocese (or archdiocese) --> | local = <!-- Name in the native language --> | titleoverride = | archbishopric = | bishopric = | border = | image = <!-- Or specify coat of arms below --> | image_size = | image_alt = | caption = | coat = <!-- Coat of arms file name (excluding File: prefix) --> | coat_size = | coat_alt = | coat_caption = | flag = <!-- Flag file name (excluding File: prefix) --> | flag_size = | flag_alt = | incumbent = | incumbent_note = | style = <!---- Locations ----> | country = | territory = | episcopal conference = | ecclesiastical region = | province = <!-- Ecclesiastical province --> | residence = | metropolitan = | archdeaconries = | deaneries = | subdivisions = | headquarters = | coordinates = <!-- Use {{coord}} --> <!---- Statistics ----> | area_km2 = <!-- Area in square kilometers, automatically converted --> | area_sqmi = <!-- Area in square miles, automatically converted --> | area_footnotes = | population = | population_as_of = | catholics = <!-- Number of Catholics in the diocese --> | catholics_percent = | parishes = <!-- Number of parishes in the diocese --> | churches = <!-- Number of churches in the diocese --> | congregations = <!-- Number of congregations in the diocese --> | schools = <!-- Number of church supported schools in the diocese --> | members = <!-- Number of members in the diocese --> <!---- Information ----> | first_incumbent = | date = | denomination = | sui_iuris_church = <!-- sui iuris Church, e.g., [[Latin Church]] or [[Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church]] or |particular_church= --> | rite = <!-- e.g., [[Roman Rite]] --> | established = | dissolved = | archdiocese = | diocese = | cathedral = <!-- Cathedral that serves as the seat of the diocese --> | cocathedral = | patron = <!-- Patron saint(s) of the diocese (or archdiocese) --> | patron_title = <!-- Use to override the default label "Patron saint" --> | priests = <!-- Number of secular priests in the diocese --> | language = | calendar = | music = <!---- Current leadership ----> | parent_church = | governance = | pope = {{Incumbent pope}} <!-- DO NOT CHANGE. This will update the Popes Automatically as they change --> | patriarch = | major_archbishop = | bishop = <!-- Name and title of the current ordinary of the diocese --> | bishop_title = <!-- Type of ordinary: i.e. Bishop or Archbishop. Default is Bishop --> | metro_archbishop = <!-- Name of the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province --> | coadjutor = | suffragans = <!-- List most senior first (usually reckoned by date of consecration); use |suffragan= for one --> | assistant_bishops = <!-- Mutually exclusive with |suffragans= ; use |assistant_bishop= for one --> | auxiliary_bishops = <!-- List most senior first (usually reckoned by date of consecration) --> | apostolic_admin = | vicar_general = | episcopal_vicar = | judicial_vicar = | dean = | archdeacons = <!-- List most senior first (usually reckoned by date of first collation); use |archdeacon= for one--> | emeritus_bishops = <!-- List most senior first (usually reckoned by date of consecration) --> <!---- Map ----> | map = | map_size = | map_alt = | map_caption = <!---- Website ----> | website = <!-- {{URL|http://www.example.com}} --> | module = | footnotes = }}
แก้- Subtemplates
- Use {{Start date and age}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes of this microformat include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Please do not rename or remove these classes
nor collapse nested elements which use them.
nor collapse nested elements which use them.