* The total figure is merely an estimation; sum of all the referenced populations.
**Some 265,895 (or 42.88% of Montenegro's total population) declared Serbian language as their mother tongue.[28]
↑Stefanovic-Banovic, Milesa; Pantovic, Branislav (2013). "'Our' diaspora in Argentina: Historical overview and preliminary research"(PDF). Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta. 61: 119–131. doi:10.2298/GEI1301119S. На територији Републике Аргентине данас живи око 30 0002 људи српског и црногорског порекла, већим делом са простора данашње Црне Горе и Хрватске, а мањим делом из Србије и Босне и Херцеговине.
↑Serbia, RTS, Radio televizija Srbije, Radio Television of. "Afrika i Srbija na vezi". เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2 April 2015.
↑Marty, Martin E. (1997). Religion, Ethnicity, and Self-Identity: Nations in Turmoil. University Press of New England. ISBN0-87451-815-6. [...] the three ethnoreligious groups that have played the roles of the protagonists in the bloody tragedy that has unfolded in the former Yugoslavia: the Christian Orthodox Serbs, the Roman Catholic Croats, and the Muslim Slavs of Bosnia.