วันที่4 พฤศจิกายน ค.ศ. 2010 (2010-11-04)
สรุปใบพัดเครื่องยนต์แตก ทำให้เครื่องยนต์และระบบควบคุมต่าง ๆ ของเครื่องบินเสียหาย
จุดเกิดเหตุเหนือเกาะบาตัม จังหวัดเกอปูเลาวันรีเยา  ประเทศอินโดนีเซีย
1°04′N 104°01′E / 1.067°N 104.017°E / 1.067; 104.017
ประเภทอากาศยานแอร์บัส เอ380-842
ชื่ออากาศยานแนนซี-เบิร์ด วอลตัน
หมายเลขเที่ยวบิน IATAQF32
หมายเลขเที่ยวบิน ICAOQFA32
ลอนดอน สหราชอาณาจักร
ซิดนีย์ ประเทศออสเตรเลีย

ควอนตัส เที่ยวบินที่ 32 (อังกฤษ: Qantas Flight 32) เป็นเที่ยวบินโดยสารประจำจากลอนดอนไปยังซิดนีย์โดยจอดพักที่สิงคโปร์ ในวันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน ค.ศ. 2010 เครื่องบินแอร์บัส เอ380 ประสบปัญหาโดยเครื่องยนต์โรลส์-รอยซ์ เทรนต์ 900 ตัวหนึ่งขัดข้องขณะบินเหนือหมู่เกาะรีเยา ประเทศอินโดนีเซีย สี่นาทีหลังบินขึ้นจากท่าอากาศยานชางงีสิงคโปร์ หลังจากบินวนเป็นเวลาประมาณสองชั่วโมงเพื่อตรวจสอบปัญหา นักบินสามารถนำเครื่องลงจอดฉุกเฉินอย่างปลอดภัยที่ท่าอากาศยานชางงีสิงคโปร์ ไม่มีผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บหรือเสียชีวิตจากเหตุการณ์นี้ แต่ว่าบ้านเรือนบางหลังบนเกาะบาตัมได้รับความเสียหายเนื่องจากชิ้นส่วนเครื่องบินตกใส่[1]

การตรวจสอบพบว่าใบพัดเครื่องยนต์หมายเลขสองซึ่งอยู่ด้านซ้ายใกล้ห้องโดยสารแตกออกระหว่างเครื่องบินกำลังบิน ทำให้ฝาครอบเครื่องยนต์ ปีก ระบบเชื้อเพลิง ล้อสำหรับลงจอด อุปกรณ์ควบคุมการบิน และอุปกรณ์ควบคุมเครื่องยนต์ได้รับความเสียหาย ในถังเชื้อเพลิงเกิดเพลิงไหม้แต่ดับลงไปเองภายในถัง การสืบสวนได้ข้อสรุปว่าความเสียหายเกิดขึ้นจากท่อน้ำมันแตกเนื่องจากกระบวนการผลิตที่บกพร่อง[2]

ความเสียหายที่เกิดขึ้นเป็นเหตุการณ์แรกที่เกิดขึ้นกับเครื่องบินแอร์บัส เอ380 ซึ่งในขณะนั้นมีเครื่องบินรุ่นดังกล่าวที่ใช้งานเชิงพาณิชย์จำนวน 39 ลำ ใน 5 สายการบินได้แก่ควอนตัส แอร์ฟรานซ์ เอมิเรตส์ ลุฟท์ฮันซ่า และสิงคโปร์แอร์ไลน์ ควอนตัสตัดสินใจงดใช้งานเครื่องบินเอ380 หกลำในฝูงบินเป็นการชั่วคราว[3] ในขณะเดียวกัน ลุฟท์ฮันซ่าและสิงคโปร์แอร์ไลน์ได้หยุดใช้งาน ตรวจสอบ และเปลี่ยนเครื่องยนต์ของเครื่องบินแอร์บัส เอ380 ที่ประจำฝูงบินและใช้เครื่องยนต์โรลส์-รอยซ์ อย่างไรก็ตาม เครื่องบินรุ่นดังกล่าวของแอร์ฟรานซ์และเอมิเรตส์ไม่ได้รับผลกระทบเนื่องจากใช้เครื่องยนต์ของเอนจีนอัลลิอันซ์



The accident, at 10:01 am Singapore Standard Time (02:01 UTC), was caused by an uncontained failure of the port inboard (number-two) engine, while en route over Batam Island, Indonesia.[2][4]

Shrapnel from the engine punctured part of the wing and damaged the fuel system, causing leaks and a fuel-tank fire,[5][6] disabled one hydraulic system and the antilock braking system, caused the number-one and number-four engines to go into a "degraded" mode,[7] and damaged landing flaps and the controls for the outer left number-one engine.[8] The crew, after finding the plane controllable, decided to fly a holding pattern close to Singapore Changi Airport, while assessing the status of the aircraft. Completing this initial assessment took 50 minutes. The first officer and supervising check captain (SCC) then put the plane's status into the landing distance performance application (LDPA) for a landing 50 tonnes over maximum landing weight at Changi.[7] Based on these inputs, the LDPA could not calculate a landing distance. After discussion, the crew elected to remove inputs related to a wet runway, in the knowledge that the runway was dry. The LDPA then returned the information that the landing was feasible with 100 m (330 ft) of runway remaining.[9] The flight then returned to Changi Airport, landing safely after the crew extended the landing gear by a gravity drop emergency extension system,[5][9] at 11:45 am Singapore time.[10][11] As a result of the aircraft landing 35 kn (65 km/h; 40 mph) faster than normal,[7] four tyres were blown.[12][13]

Upon landing, the crew was unable to shut down the number-one engine, which had to be doused by emergency crews until flameout was achieved.[9][14] The pilots considered whether to evacuate the plane immediately after landing, as fuel was leaking from the left wing near to the brakes, which were assumed to be extremely hot from maximum braking. The SCC pilot, David Evans, noted in an interview,

We’ve got a situation where there is fuel, hot brakes, and an engine that we can’t shut down. And really the safest place was on board the aircraft until such time as things changed. So, we had the cabin crew with an alert phase the whole time through ready to evacuate, open doors, inflate slides at any moment. As time went by, that danger abated, and thankfully, we were lucky enough to get everybody off very calmly and very methodically through one set of stairs.[7]

The plane was on battery power and had to contend with only one VHF radio to coordinate emergency procedure with the local fire crew.[15]

No injuries were reported among the 440 passengers and 29 crew on board the plane.[16] On Batam Island, some debris fell on a school, some houses, and a car.[17]


VH-OQA, the aircraft involved, taxiing at Los Angeles International Airport, in 2008.

The aircraft involved was an Airbus A380-842,[12] registration number VH-OQA, serial number 014.[2][18] Having entered service in September 2008, it was the first A380 delivered to Qantas and had four Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines;[19] it was named Nancy-Bird Walton[nb 1] in honour of an Australian aviation pioneer.[21][22] After completing repairs in Singapore, estimated at A$139 million, the aircraft returned to Sydney in April 2012.[20]



The pilot in command of the aircraft, Captain Richard Champion de Crespigny, has been credited in the media as "having guided a heavily damaged double-decker jet to the safety of Singapore Changi Airport and averting what could have been a catastrophe".[23] At the time of the accident he had 35 years of flying experience.[24] He was commended for debriefing the passengers in the passenger terminal after the flight, disclosing details of the flight and offering care for his passengers.[25] In 2016, Champion de Crespigny was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to the aviation industry, both nationally and internationally, particularly to flight safety, and to the community.[26]

In 2010, Richard Woodward, a vice president of the Australian and International Pilots Association, reported that five pilots were in the cockpit of this flight. In addition to the normal crew of captain, first officer, and second officer, two additional check captains were in the cabin; one was being trained as a check captain (CC) and the supervising CC, who was training the CC.[9] Captain de Crespigny concentrated on flying and managing the aircraft and monitoring the 100 electronic centralised aircraft monitor checklists being sifted through by the first officer. The supernumerary pilots monitored all actions and assisted where necessary.[27]





Immediately after the accident, shares in the engine's manufacturer, Rolls-Royce Holdings, fell 5.5% to 618.5 pence on the London Stock Exchange, their sharpest fall in 18 months,[28] and directly attributed to this occurrence.[28] Shares in Airbus, then known as European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), also fell.[29]

By midmorning on Monday, 8 November 2010, Rolls-Royce shares had fallen by more than 10% since the accident on the previous Thursday.[30]



Both Qantas[11][31] and Singapore Airlines,[32] which uses the same Rolls-Royce engine in its A380 aircraft, temporarily grounded their A380 fleets after the occurrence and performed further inspections. Singapore Airlines resumed operations the following day.[32]

Investigation of all four other operational Qantas A380s revealed concerns with two engines. Those engines were to be replaced, after which operation was expected to be resumed. The problems with one of these engines "could have potentially led to a repeat of Thursday's incident on QF32".[14] On 8 November 2010 the CEO of Qantas, Alan Joyce, stated that the A380 fleet would remain grounded because new issues in the engines appeared,[33] including oil leaks within the engines, something Joyce said was "beyond normal tolerances".[34] Singapore Airlines, which initially stated it "did not find any issues of concern"[35] after inspecting the engines of its A380s, announced on 10 November it planned to replace three engines on three separate planes, grounding the aircraft in question until the issues were resolved.[36] The airline allowed the planes to return to Singapore after discovery of the anomaly.[36] On 10 November, Lufthansa announced the replacement of an engine on its first A380, which it termed "precautionary".[37] On 3 December, Qantas announced that a total of 16 Trent 900 engines needed to have repairs made or be replaced entirely; at the time of the announcement, the airline said five had already been replaced.[38]

On 23 November, Qantas announced that it would begin to partially return its fleet of A380s to service, beginning on 27 November.[39] Initially, two of its six A380s were brought back into use, while the rest of the fleet stayed grounded pending inspections and engine changes.[3] The two aircraft entered service on the Sydney–Singapore–London route, where the engines use less than maximum thrust.[39] Qantas initially refrained from using the aircraft on routes between Los Angeles and Australia, the longest routes globally served by the A380, where highest engine performance was required on takeoff.[39] After talks with the manufacturers and regulators indicated the aircraft was safe to use, Qantas resumed using the A380 on the Los Angeles routes in January 2011.[40][2]: 183  By the end of January, Qantas operated all but one of its A380s. VH-OQA, the aircraft damaged in the accident, returned to service in April 2012.[41]



Tom Ballantyne, a writer on Orient Aviation magazine, described the accident as "certainly the most serious incident that the A380 has experienced since it entered operations", and concerns have been voiced that this occurrence may be due to a "major problem", rather than being maintenance-related.[29] Qantas CEO Alan Joyce stated on 5 November that Qantas considered the likely cause "some kind of material failure or a design issue".[42]

The damage, described in The Sydney Morning Herald as "potentially life-threatening and extremely rare", caused aircraft engineer Peter Marosszeky, from the University of New South Wales, to state, "I rarely ever see a failure like this on any engine", while Paul Cousins, the federal president of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association, stated, "fewer than 5% of engine failures involved debris leaving the casing of the engine", as was the case in this occurrence.[43]

Carey Edwards, author, former Royal Air Force helicopter pilot, and human-factors expert,[44] described the QF32 flight as "one of the finest examples of airmanship in the history of aviation".[45]

Operational history


This Airbus A380 occurrence followed two previous incidents involving Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines. In September 2009, an engine malfunctioned on a Singapore Airlines flight from Paris to Singapore, and a Tokyo-Frankfurt Lufthansa flight in August 2010 had engine trouble that resulted in one engine being shut down due to low oil pressure.[46] In September 2017, an Air France A380 powered by Engine Alliance turbofans (made by General Electric Aircraft Engines and Pratt & Whitney) suffered an engine failure on a flight from Paris to Los Angeles.[47]

An airworthiness directive was issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency on 4 August 2010 that required inspection of the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine.[42]


Engine nacelle of a Qantas A380 open for inspection, showing Rolls-Royce Trent 900 components

The investigation by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) indicated that "fatigue cracking" in a stub pipe within the engine resulted in oil leakage, followed by an oil fire in the engine.[48] The fire led to the release of the intermediate-pressure turbine (IPT) disc. It also said the issue is specific to the Trent 900.[49]

Rolls-Royce determined that the direct cause of the oil fire and resulting engine failure was a misaligned counter bore within a stub oil pipe, leading to a fatigue fracture.[50] The ATSB's preliminary investigation report confirmed Rolls-Royce's findings.[9]

Airbus determined that the IPT disc released three different high-energy fragments, resulting in structural and systems damage. It also concluded that segregated wiring routes were cut by two of the three individual pieces of disc debris and as a result, engine number one could not be shut down after landing.[51]

On 10 November 2010, the European Aviation Safety Agency issued an emergency airworthiness directive, ordering airlines using the Trent 900 engine to conduct frequent and stringent tests - extended ground idle runs, low-pressure turbine (LPT) stage-one blade and case drain inspections, and high-pressure/intermediate-pressure (HP/IP) structure air-buffer cavity and oil-service tube inspections.[52] However, on 22 November, the EASA eased its inspection guidelines, citing progress in the investigation. It dropped requirements for extended ground idle runs and requirements for repetitive inspections of the LPT stage-one blades and case drain.[53] On 2 December 2010, the ATSB recommended a one-off inspection of the "relevant" Trent 900 engines within two flight cycles.[48]

On 3 December 2010, the ATSB issued a preliminary report that contained a key finding of a manufacturing flaw: An area of fatigue cracking was found within a stub pipe that feeds oil to the engine HP/IP bearing structure.[9] Bearing lubricating oil leaked from the crack, causing the subsequent engine fire and failure of the IPT disc. The fatigue fracture was a result of the misalignment of the stub pipe during the counter-boring process. That inaccurate alignment resulted in one side of the same stub pipe becoming too thin to resist fatigue fracturing.[9][54] This "could lead to an elevated risk of fatigue crack initiation and growth, oil leakage, and potential catastrophic engine failure from a resulting oil fire," according to the agency.[54]

The findings were determined to be a "critical safety issue", and the ATSB recommended immediate inspections of in-service Trent 900 engines.[54] On 8 December, the ATSB reported that 45 Trent 900 engines had been inspected, and three of these engines had failed inspection and had been removed from service.[55] On 18 May 2011, the ATSB released an interim factual report,[56] which states that 53 Trent 900 engines were removed from service — 11 due to out-of-tolerance oil-feed stub pipes and 42 due to lack of measurement records relating to the oil-feed stub pipe.

Compensation and repairs


On 22 June 2011, Qantas announced that it had agreed to a compensation of AUD$95 million (£62 million/US$100 million) from Rolls-Royce.[57] VH-OQA was repaired at an estimated cost of แม่แบบ:AUD139 million (~US$145m). The aircraft has four new engines and a repaired left wing (including 6 km of wiring replaced), and had extensive on-ground testing and two test flights. It returned to Australia on 22 April, and was scheduled to return to service on 28 April 2012.[41] The repairs added roughly 94 กิโลกรัม (207 ปอนด์) to the gross weight of the aircraft.[58]

Airworthiness directive


During repairs following the occurrence, cracks were discovered in the wings of the aircraft. As a result of the discovery, an airworthiness directive was issued affecting 20 A380-841, A380-842 and A380-861 aircraft that had accumulated over 1,300 hours flight. Those aircraft with under 1,800 hours flight were to be inspected within 6 weeks or 84 flights (whichever occurred first), while those with more than 1,800 hours flight were to be examined within four days or 14 flights.[59][60] On 8 February 2012, the checks were extended to cover all 68 A380 aircraft in operation.[61]



Other accidents involving engine failure:


  1. Also spelled Nancy Bird-Walton[20]


  1. "Indonesians collect debris from Qantas plane engine". ABC News. 4 November 2010. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 November 2012.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 แม่แบบ:ATSBLink (Archive)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Koranyi, Balazs (23 November 2010). "Qantas plan to resume A380 flights eases Rolls woes". สืบค้นเมื่อ 25 November 2010.
  4. "Qantas A380 specifications". Qantas. 4 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 4 November 2010.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Jonas, George (20 November 2010). "Qantas's close call". National Post.  [ลิงก์เสีย]
  6. Final ATSB Report: Appendix D: Wing fire
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Robinson, Tim. "Qantas QF32 flight from the cockpit". The Royal Aeronautical Society. สืบค้นเมื่อ 10 December 2010.
  8. Airbus - QF32 AIT #3, dated 17 November 2010
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 In-flight uncontained engine failure - overhead Batam Island, Indonesia - 4 November 2010 VH-OQA, Airbus A380-842 (PDF). Australian Transport Safety Bureau. ISBN 978-1-74251-118-4. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 5 ตุลาคม 2021.
  10. O'Sullivan, Matt (4 November 2010). "Qantas jet engine fails: witnesses tell of hearing explosion". The Age. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 6 November 2012.
  11. 11.0 11.1 "Statement on QF32 Air Return to Singapore - Aircraft has Landed Safely". Qantas. 4 November 2010. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 11 September 2011. สืบค้นเมื่อ 4 November 2010.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Accident description for VH-OQA at the Aviation Safety Network
  13. "Design fault may have caused Qantas jet drama". 5 November 2010. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 1 February 2016.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Horton, Will (6 พฤศจิกายน 2010). "Qantas to change engines on two A380s". Sydney: Flightglobal. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 มกราคม 2015. 
  15. Creedy, Steve (11 December 2010). "Landing was least of Qantas A380's problems". The Australian. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 13 September 2012.
  16. "Qantas grounds A380s after engine failure". ABC Online. 4 November 2010. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 3 July 2013.
  17. Heasley, Andrew (5 November 2010). "Explosion grounds Qantas Airbus fleet". The Age. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 6 November 2012. สืบค้นเมื่อ 5 November 2010.
  18. "Aircraft registration". Civil Aviation Safety Authority. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 5 August 2012.
  19. Waldron, Greg (4 November 2010). "PICTURES & VIDEO: Qantas A380 makes emergency landing after losing engine cowling". Singapore: Flightglobal. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 1 February 2016.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Chong, Jordan (22 April 2012). "Repaired Qantas A380 arrives in Sydney". The Sydney Morning Herald. AAP. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 28 July 2012.
  21. A380 Naming Ceremony - 'Nancy-Bird Walton' ที่ยูทูบ
  22. "Tribute to Nancy-Bird Walton". Qantas Airways Limited. 10 October 2008. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 23 April 2018.
  23. Carswell, Andrew; Wockner, Cindy (6 November 2010). "Qantas 'not worried' about 747 fleet after second mid-air incident in two days". The Advertiser. สืบค้นเมื่อ 6 November 2010.
  24. Crawford, Barclay; Hills, Brenden; Kearney, Simon (7 November 2010). "Richard de Crespigny, Qantas's Captain Marvel". Herald Sun. สืบค้นเมื่อ 7 November 2010.
  25. Hughes, Tony. "What Air Crash Investigations Didn't Tell You About QF32 (Airbus A380)". Tony Hughes. สืบค้นเมื่อ 26 December 2014.
  26. "Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia (A-L)" (PDF). Australia Day 2016 Honours Lists. Office of the Governor-General of Australia. 25 January 2016. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิม (PDF)เมื่อ 4 February 2016. สืบค้นเมื่อ 8 February 2016.
  27. Lowy, Joan (18 November 2010). "Cascading failures followed airline engine blowout". Washington: Bloomberg Businessweek. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 25 October 2012.
  28. 28.0 28.1 Mustoe, Howard; Rothman, Andrea (4 November 2010). "Rolls Falls Most in a Year After Engine Failure Grounds A380s". Bloomberg L.P. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 4 November 2012.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Madslien, Jorn (4 November 2010). "Qantas emergency points spotlight at Airbus and Rolls-Royce". BBC News. สืบค้นเมื่อ 5 November 2010.
  30. "Rolls-Royce 'makes progress' in A380 engine probe". BBC News. 8 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 8 November 2010.
  31. "Qantas grounds A380s after Singapore emergency landing". BBC News. 4 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 5 November 2010.
  32. 32.0 32.1 "Delays to A380 flights". Singapore Airlines. 4 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 4 November 2010.[ลิงก์เสีย]
  33. CNN Wire Staff. "Qantas' A380 fleet to remain grounded, CEO says." CNN. 7 November 2010. Retrieved on 7 November 2010.
  34. Foley, Meraiah (8 November 2010). "New Oil Leaks Keep Qantas Airbus Jets Grounded". The New York Times. สืบค้นเมื่อ 8 November 2010.
  35. "Singapore Air says no issue with its A380 engines". Reuters. 8 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 10 November 2010.
  36. 36.0 36.1 Govindasamy, Siva (10 พฤศจิกายน 2010). "SIA to change three engines on A380s". Singapore: Flightglobal. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 มกราคม 2015. 
  37. Kaminski-Morrow, David (10 November 2010). "Lufthansa's first A380 has 'precautionary' engine change". สืบค้นเมื่อ 10 November 2010.
  38. "Sixteen Qantas Trent-900s require modification or replacement". 3 December 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 4 December 2010.
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 "Qantas to resume limited A380 services". 23 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 23 November 2010.
  40. "Qantas Prepares to Resume A380 Flying on USA Routes". Qantas. 11 January 2011. สืบค้นเมื่อ 29 January 2011.
  41. 41.0 41.1 Chong, Jordan (20 April 2012). "Qantas A380 back in the air, 'as good as new'". Herald Sun. สืบค้นเมื่อ 21 April 2012.
  42. 42.0 42.1 "Design fault 'may have caused A380 scare' - Qantas". BBC News. 5 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 5 November 2010.
  43. Cook, Aaron (5 November 2010). "Damage rare but can be catastrophic, say engineers". The Sydney Morning Herald. สืบค้นเมื่อ 5 November 2010.
  44. Edwards, Carey (2007). Airmanship. Ramsbury: Crowood. ISBN 978-1-86126-980-5. OCLC 166315472.
  45. Carey Edwards (2013), Airmanship p18, Blacker Limited, London, 2013.
  46. Millward, David; Bingham, John (4 November 2010). "Qantas A380 Airbus emergency is third scare for superjumbo". The Daily Telegraph. London. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 4 November 2010.
  47. "Engine breaks up on Air France A380, forcing emergency landing in Canada". The Guardian. London. 1 October 2017. สืบค้นเมื่อ 1 October 2017.
  48. 48.0 48.1 Siva Govindasamy (2 December 2010). "Pipe fatigue behind Qantas A380 Trent 900 failure: ATSB". สืบค้นเมื่อ 2 December 2010.
  49. "Trent 900 update". Rolls-Royce. 12 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 17 June 2015.
  50. "Trent 900 update". Rolls-Royce. 12 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 23 November 2010.[ลิงก์เสีย]{}
  51. Airbus QF32 AIT 3, dated 17 November 2010
  52. "Emergency Airworthiness Directive" (PDF). EASA. 10 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 23 November 2010.
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  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 "Problems in manufacturing process led to Trent 900 failure: ATSB". 3 December 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 4 December 2010.
  55. "Qantas Airbus A380 inflight engine failure". Australian Transport Safety Bureau. 8 December 2010. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 19 November 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 23 December 2010.
  56. "Aviation Occurrence Investigation AO-2010-089 Interim-factual" (PDF). Australian Transport Safety Bureau. 18 May 2011. สืบค้นเมื่อ 19 May 2011.
  57. "Qantas announces profits and Rolls-Royce settlement". BBC News. 22 June 2011. สืบค้นเมื่อ 16 October 2013.
  58. Govindasamy, Siva (24 April 2012). "Qantas A380 repairs added less weight than expected to aircraft". Singapore: Flightglobal. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 20 October 2013.
  59. Hradecky, Simon (21 January 2012). "Airworthiness Directive regarding Airbus A380 wing cracks". The Aviation Herald.
  60. "EASA AD No.: 2012-0013". EASA. 20 January 2012. สืบค้นเมื่อ 22 January 2012.
  61. "Airbus to inspect all A380 superjumbos for wing cracks". BBC News Online. 8 February 2012. สืบค้นเมื่อ 8 February 2012.


  • de Crespigny, Richard (2012). QF32. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia. ISBN 9781742611174.
  • de Crespigny, Richard (2018). FLY! - Life Lessons from the Cockpit of QF32. Camberwell, Vic: Viking. ISBN 9780670078738.
  "This Tiny Pipe Brought Down This Massive Plane". Smithsonian Channel. 2015-07-30.