ไฟล์:Khái Niệm về Chủ Nghĩa Nhân Vị, Tài Liệu của Trung Tâm Huấn Luyện Nhân Vị Vĩnh Long.pdf

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ดูภาพที่มีความละเอียดสูงกว่า (1,275 × 1,650 พิกเซล, ขนาดไฟล์: 53.05 เมกะไบต์, ประเภท MIME: application/pdf, 227 หน้า)

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Tiếng Việt: Khái Niệm về Chủ Nghĩa Nhân Vị, Tài Liệu của Trung Tâm Huấn Luyện Nhân Vị Vĩnh Long
Liên Đoàn Công Chức Cách Mạng Quốc Gia
วันที่ ไม่ทราบวัน
แหล่งที่มา Khái niệm về chủ nghĩa Nhân Vị, Nam Kỳ Lục Tỉnh (PDF)
ผู้สร้างสรรค์ Liên Đoàn Công Chức Cách Mạng Quốc Gia
Public domain This file is a government work by either the government of the French protectorate of Tonkin, the French protectorate of Annam, the colony of Cochinchina, the Autonomous Republic of Cochinchina, the Republic of Southern Vietnam, the Provisional Central Government of Vietnam, the State of Vietnam, the First Republic of Vietnam, or the Second Republic of Vietnam and is therefore inelligible for copyright in modern Vietnamese law. The government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam maintains that between 2 September 1945 and 2 July 1976 only the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of South Vietnam were legitimate governments and that any rival governments were illegal ("reactionary" or "counter-revolutionary") organisations.

This template excludes:

  • Works by private or corporate authors which fall under the jurisdiction of the modern Vietnamese government.
  • Works by the governments of the Nguyễn dynasty, French Cochinchina, and French Indochina prior to 2 September 1945, these are "{{PD-Vietnam}}" on different grounds.

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This image is or may contain a symbol or symbols prohibited by Vietnam's National Assembly, due to (variously) representations of South Vietnam, or similar governmental structures; or of organizations associated with said. Imagery covered may include the Flag of South Vietnam and emblems/insignias.







ปัจจุบัน01:30, 5 ธันวาคม 2565รูปย่อสำหรับรุ่นเมื่อ 01:30, 5 ธันวาคม 25651,275 × 1,650, 227 หน้า (53.05 เมกะไบต์)源義信Uploaded a work by Liên Đoàn Công Chức Cách Mạng Quốc Gia from [https://sites.google.com/site/namkyluctinhorg/tac-gia-tac-pham/nhieu-tac-gia/khai-niem-ve-chu-nghia-nhan-vi Khái niệm về chủ nghĩa Nhân Vị ], Nam Kỳ Lục Tỉnh ([http://www.namkyluctinh.com/eBooks/LinhTinh/Khai%20Niem%20Ve%20Chu%20Nghia%20Nhan%20Vi.pdf PDF]) with UploadWizard

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