{{{year_start}}} – {{{year_end}}}
Flag of {{{common_name}}}
{{{symbol_type}}} of {{{common_name}}}

 • ประเภท{{{government_type}}}
 • คติพจน์{{{national_motto}}}
• {{{year_leader1}}}
• {{{year_deputy1}}}
• สภาสูง
• สภาล่าง
• {{{event_pre}}}
• {{{event_start}}}
{{{date_start}}} {{{year_start}}}
• {{{event1}}}
• {{{event_end}}}
{{{date_end}}} {{{year_end}}}
• {{{event_post}}}

This infobox is part of WikiProject Former countries run by the Subdivisions bureau. It is based on Template:Infobox former country adjusted to suit subdivisions of former countries.

NOTE: This infobox should be used if the state in question was always a subdivision of some larger entity. For all other cases, use {{Infobox former country}} to place articles into various "Former countries" categories that would not be suitable for subdivisions of former countries.
Exception: states of the Holy Roman Empire should also use {{Infobox former country}} with |empire=HRE + |status=vassal, |status=city or |status=abbey, depending on the state type.

  • Many variables concern generated categories. When categories are discussed below, it is referring to this list of currently supported categories.
  • This is a rather complicated template, and should be used with care to ensure functionality. Note that most fields are optional for the infobox to function correctly. If you are unsure about anything, just skip all the optional fields and ask a developer for help.
  • Anyone is welcome to use the infobox. But since it is still under construction, developers may make changes to your work. This is nothing personal. Normally this is for functionality reasons, sometimes it is to test new features of the infobox.
  • Some variables below may be marked as test variables. Use these with caution and remember that these variables may be changed or deleted without notice.
  • Certain historical entities may inspire heated debate among some people. Neutrality and sensitivity are required when implementing this infobox.
  • If you are unsure about the usage of this template, or you have any suggestions for modifications to the infobox, or if you want to know why a certain modification was made, please contact a developer or leave a comment at the talk page. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features.

This infobox is under constant development. For many entries, the infobox has been implemented by one of the main developers. Other users are welcome to implement the infobox themselves, but developers might make modifications later on largely for functionality reasons.

The main developers are:

  1. Almost all fields are optional, some fields are more optional than others. It is not expected that you fill in every single field that is shown here.
  2. Some fields are hidden but necessary for infobox functionality. Not all fields are displayed here.
  3. If a state has a high number of leaders (>5), do not modify this template to fit them all in. It is not the intention of this infobox to do them all; that makes the infobox way too big (any extra slots added here without previous discussion will be reverted). Instead, list only the first and last title holder, with (first) or (last) placed after the person's name.
  4. Some fields place the article into certain categories: see list of supported categories.
  5. Area (in km²) and population statistics must be given without spaces, commas, or other code.
  6. Keep event text as short as possible, ideally only 1 line in length.
  7. For many entries, the infobox has been implemented by one of the main developers. Other users are welcome to implement the infobox themselves, but developers might make modifications later on, largely for functionality reasons.
  8. If you are unsure about the usage of this template, or if you want to know why a certain modification was made, let us know via the template talk page. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving, and documenting infobox features.
{{Infobox former subdivision
|_noautocat             = <!-- "no" for no automatic categorization -->
|native_name            = <!-- Name in native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English. Separate with line breaks<br> If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. -->
|conventional_long_name = <!-- Full name in English -->
|common_name            = <!-- Used to resolve location within categories and name of flags and coat of arms -->
|subdivision            = <!-- Status: see Category list on template page -->
|nation                 = <!-- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency -->
|status_text            = <!-- A free text to describe status the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. -->
|government_type        = <!-- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories -->
<!-- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies -->
|title_leader           = <!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President" -->
|title_deputy           = <!-- Default: "Prime minister" -->
|leader1                = <!-- Name of leader (up to six) -->
|year_leader1           = <!-- Years served -->
|deputy1                = <!-- Name of prime minister (up to six) -->
|year_deputy1           = <!-- Years served -->
<!-- Legislature -->
|legislature            = <!-- Name of legislature -->
|house1                 = <!-- Name of first chamber -->
|house2                 = <!-- Name of second chamber -->
|type_house1            = <!-- Default: "Upper house" -->
|type_house2            = <!-- Default: "Lower house" -->
<!-- General information -->
|capital                = 
|coordinates            = <!-- Use {{Coord}} -->
|national_motto         = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|national_anthem        = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|political_subdiv       = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|today                  = <!-- The countries to which this historic entity belongs today -->
<!-- Rise and fall, events, years and dates -->
<!-- Only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration". -->
|year_start             = <!-- Year of establishment -->
|year_end               = <!-- Year of disestablishment -->
|event_start            = <!-- Default: "Established" -->
|date_start             = <!-- Optional: Date of establishment-->
|event_end              = <!-- Default: "Disestablished" -->
|date_end               = <!-- Optional: Date of disestablishment -->
|event1                 = <!-- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" -->
|date_event1            = 
|event2                 = 
|date_event2            = 
|event3                 = 
|date_event3            = 
|event4                 = 
|date_event4            = 
|event5                 = 
|date_event5            = 
|life_span              = 
|era                    = <!-- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. -->
|event_pre              = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before before "event_start" -->
|date_pre               = 
|event_post             = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before after "event_end" -->
|date_post              = 
<!-- Images -->
|image_flag             = <!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|image_border           = <!-- Default: "border"; for non-rectangular flag, type "no" -->
|flag_type              = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" -->
|flag                   = <!-- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|image_coat             = <!-- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|symbol_type            = <!-- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" -->
|symbol                 = <!-- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} -->
|image_map              = 
|image_map_caption      = 
<!-- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities "p1" to "p5" and "s1" to "s8" -->
|p1                     = <!-- Name of the article for preceding entity, numbered 1–5 -->
|flag_p1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|border_p1              = <!-- Default: "border"; for non-rectangular flag, type "no" -->
|image_p1               = <!-- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|s1                     = <!-- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1–8 -->
|flag_s1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|border_s1              = <!-- Default: "border"; for non-rectangular flag, type "no" -->
|image_s1               = <!-- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
<!-- Area and population of a given year (up to 5) -->
|stat_year1             = <!-- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both, numbered 1–5 -->
|stat_area1             = <!-- area in square kilometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated -->
|stat_pop1              = <!-- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given -->
|footnotes              = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->

Detailed instructions


These are the fields of information in the Infobox former countries template with a set of instructions on how to use them. Here is a brief explanation on how to read the table:

  • Field name
    • the fields of information that carry information used by the template
  • Usage
    • required means that the template will not work properly if it is excluded
    • optional means that the template will work properly without it, but available information should be entered to make it as complete as possible (actively excluding or deleting information is not endorsed just because it is called optional in this table)
  • Type
    • variable means that the template will only take fixed values; this can be dates, years, numerical or according to a defined list
    • free means that the template will accept values given freely without having to adhere to the strict discipline required for variables
    • wikilink means that a working wikilink must be entered either to an article or to the file name of an image
  • Value
    • examples or lists of values accepted by variables
    • free text with wikilinks means that text and wikilinks can be entered freely without the kind of restrictions that applies to variables
      • label is a short label typically fitting in a single line (no line break)
      • entry is one or a few short labels separated by commas or line breaks (no more than a few lines)
      • sentence is a short descriptive sentence (no more than a few lines)
    • free text means that text can be entered, but wikilinks must not be used
  • Description
    • an instruction or a small guide how the particular field of information is used
Field Name Usage Type Values Description
native_name optional free label (free text) Name in native language(s), displayed towards the top of the infobox, underneath the full name in English. If there are multiple native languages, separate different names with line breaks. If the native language is English, leave this section blank and give the name in the next field.
conventional_long_name required free label (free text) Full name in English, displayed at the top of the infobox
common_name required variable country name This variable is a supporting variable for the infobox. The value required here is not always historically factual but this variable is very important as it has a number of important uses:
  • The value here determines how the entry is indexed within the categories that the infobox generates.
    • Example: The "Kingdom of England" should be indexed under "E (England)" instead of "K (Kingdom)". Therefore, |common_name=England
  • Various links within the infobox are automatically generated if a certain page exists. If the article does not exist, a more generic link is produced. If the entity discussed is normally preceded by "the" (e.g. the United Kingdom), do not enter the in |common_name: the template will also search for such links.
    • Example: The flag and heraldry information for Croatia over its history are in the two articles "Flag of Croatia" and "Coat of arms of Croatia". By saying |common_name=Croatia, the text underneath the flag and coat of arms images automatically links to these entries. For the Axis-controlled Independent State of Croatia, saying |common_name=Independent State of Croatia, while historically accurate, does not generate these links because there are no "Flag/Coat of arms of (the) Independent State of Croatia" articles.
The entries here again determine category placement. For some values, related text will be displayed in a bar underneath the name.
Field Name Usage Type Values Description
subdivision required variable
  • Empire
  • Federation
  • Confederation
  • State union
  • Client state
  • Vassal
  • Colony
  • Protectorate
  • United Nations Trust Territory
  • League of Nations Mandate
  • See also the variable |government_type and the categorization scheme.
|Subdivision describes the relationship between the political entity and other entities, whether colonies to an empire, the (colonial) empire itself, countries with special status by the League of Nations or the UN, etc.
nation required variable country name Give the common name for the country to which the entity was in a state of dependency.
  • Example: British Empire colony: |subdivision=Colony, |nation=United Kingdom
status_text optional free label (free text with wikilinks) If values are given for |subdivision and |nation, it will be displayed by default as "[subdivision] of [(the) nation]". The |status_text variable allows you to display more specific or accurate text alternatives without compromising category assignment (e.g. "State of the [[Holy Roman Empire]]", "Client state of [[First French Empire|France]]").


Field Name Usage Type Values Description
government_type required variable This entry generates more categories and sets some defaults for other political titles (see below). If the value given here does not match any in the following list, the article will be placed in the maintenance category for further examination.
If a change in government takes place without the country itself changing, place the earlier government type in this field, and give the change in government as an intermediate event (e.g. |event1).
Head of state
title_leader optional free label (free text with wikilinks) the head of state's title. If |government_type=Monarchy or Constitutional monarchy, the default "King" will be displayed, which will link to "King of {common_name} if that article exists. If Republic or Federal republic is given, "President" will be used instead. If a different title is used, enter it here (but keep the length to a minimum) and wikilink it to the relevant article (if any).
  • Example: For the Kingdom of Prussia, |government_type=Monarchy but |title_leader has not been given. This is because the article "King of Prussia" exists and is automatically linked to from the default word "King" in the infobox.
  • Example: For the German Empire, the Emperor was also the King of Prussia. But instead of giving a title of Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, [[List of German monarchs|Emperor]] is used instead, which includes a link to all German monarchs.
leader1, leader2, ... optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Leader name. Wikilinks are generated automatically, but you should create wikilinked entries for people whose entry title is long (this applies to almost all royalty).
  • Example: [[George III of the United Kingdom|George III]] instead of George III or George III of the United Kingdom. If it is not obvious that British monarchs are involved in this case, give the full George III of the United Kingdom (e.g. Congo Free State).
year_leader1, year_leader2, ... optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Dates spanning rule of leader (e.g. 1801–1843).
  • Note: If there was only one head of state, just fill in |leader1 but not |year_leader1. It is also not intended here to list every head of state that ever was: if there were a lot of them, just list the first and the last. To assist this, each name could be followed by (first) and (last), but then you will need to wikilink the name.
Deputy, head of government, etc.
title_deputy optional free label (free text with wikilinks) same as for the head of state. The only difference here is the default labels given: instead of "King" the default here is "Prime Minister"
deputy1, deputy2, ... optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Deputy name. Wikilinks are generated automatically, but you should create wikilinked entries for people whose entry title is long
year_deputy1, year_deputy2, ... optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Dates spanning rule of the deputy (e.g. 1801–1843).
Legislatures and constitutions
legislature optional free label (free text with wikilinks) The name of the legislature (required to display upper and lower hoses)
house1, house2 optional free label (free text with wikilinks) The names of upper and lower houses of the legislature
type_house1, type_house2 optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Ability to enter different labels than upper and lower houses

General information

Field Name Usage Type Values Description
capital required free entry (free text with wikilinks) Capital city. No wikilinking necessary. If the name of the city has changed since this period, you may display the contemporary name, using WP:piped link to the modern name, i.e. [[modern name|former name]]
coordinates optional variable coordinates Geographical coordinates of capital city; use {{Coord}}.
national_motto optional free entry (free text with wikilinks) National motto. If not in English, place the English translation last (after a line break). Add wikilinks if articles exist.
national_anthem optional free entry (free text with wikilinks) National anthem. If not in English, place the English translation last (after a line break). Add wikilinks if articles exist.
political_subdiv optional free entry (free text with wikilinks) Political subdivisions. Add wikilinks if articles exist.
today optional free entry (free text with wikilinks) The modern countries to which this historic entity belongs today. Use {{flag}} separated by <br>
Field Name Usage Type Values Description
Start and end
year_start, year_end required variable year Years of establishment and disestablishment. These years will be placed in the date bar at the top. If the values given are the same year, only one year will be displayed, but you must still enter both. Do not wikilink these years. The years given here are automatically used to assign this entity to establishment/disestablishment categories.
date_start, date_end optional variable date Give the day and month (if known) to match |year_start and |year_end. Do not wikilink these dates. The |year_start and |year_end fields must be filled in.)
event_start, event_end optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Entering the information for the above four variables (or just the year variables) will create entries in the History section of the infobox. If nothing is given for |event_start or |event_end, the "events" will have the corresponding default text of "Established" and "Disestablished", respectively. The variables |event_start and |event_end allow you to give more detail. If the value you enter is the name of an article, the wikilink is automatically generated. You are encouraged to link to the article that describes the actual event which caused the formation/dissolution of the entity, if such articles exist. To keep the infobox tidy, create a wikilink to the event article if the title of the linked article is long (e.g. [[Berlin conference|Established]]). You are discouraged from simply entering something like Declaration or Proclamation in these fields, because there are general articles with this title.
life_span optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Some entities temporarily ceased to exist before re-establishing. Use this variable only for these entities to replace the displayed dates in the date bar. Give unlinked dates with line breaks. (e.g. 1841–1899<br>1910–1967). You still need to fill in the |year_start and |year_end fields (in this example, |year_start=1841 and |year_end=1967) for the above-described functions to work.
era optional variable
  • Napoleonic Wars
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • Cold War
A category-assigning variable. If the value given here does not match any on the list in this table, this article will be automatically assigned to a maintenance-category. Do not panic. If a certain |era value is used often enough, a new category will be created by the infobox developers.
event1/date_event1, event2/date_event2, ... optional free label (free text with wikilinks) Intermediate events. These will be listed in the History section between the start and end events. The event variables here function the same way as the |event_start/|event_end variables. Enter date as unlinked text (e.g. 3 August 1789).
event_pre/date_pre, event_post/date_post testing free label (free text with wikilinks) Sometimes, events that take place outside the life-span of the entity are important, these two variables will place an event before |event_start (pre) or after |event_end (post) in the History box.
All of these variables are optional (but some are more optional than others). If there is no available image, place the WPFC banner on the article's talk page (if it isn't there already), with the parameters {{WPFC|class=?|flagneeded=yes|coatneeded=yes|mapneeded=yes}} (including only the relevant parameters)
Field Name Usage Type Values Description
image_flag optional wikilink file name The name of the flag image (no Image: coding needed)
image_border optional yes/no no Set to no to turn off border around non-rectangular flags, e.g. File:Flag of Ohio.svg.
flag_type optional free flag name Displayed text under flag image. Useful if more than one flag was used (e.g. Third flag of the Confederacy) or if the flag wasn't actually called a flag (e.g. Banner). Default: "Flag"
flag optional wikilink link target for text under the flag image. By default, it will link to "Flag of (the) {common_name}" if such an article exists.
image_coat optional wikilink file name The name of the coat of arms image (no Image: coding needed)
symbol_type optional free symbol name Displayed text under coat of arms image. Useful if more than one coat of arms was used or if it wasn't actually called a coat of arms (e.g. Emblem). Default: "Coat of arms"
symbol optional wikilink link target for text under the coat of arms image. By default, it will link to "Coat of arms of (the) {common_name}" if such an article exists.
image_map optional wikilink file name The name of the map image (no Image: coding needed)
image_map_caption optional free sentence (free text with wikilinks) Map caption

Preceding and succeeding entities

These fields are optional, but very important. Entries here affect the flag-navigation feature of the date bar at the top of the infobox.
Field Name Usage Type Values Description
p1p5 optional wikilink country name Names of preceding entities (up to 5)
s1s8 optional wikilink country name Names of succeeding entities (up to 8)
flag_p1, flag_p2, ... optional wikilink file name Name of image of flag for the state corresponding to |p1, |p2, etc. (just the name, no Image: coding). If the preceding state had multiple flags during its existence, use the last flag that it used. The template is instructed to search for possible flag images given the name of the state, so it might not be necessary to fill in this field. If a flag is not found or defined, the default "flag unknown" image will be shown.
border_p1, border_p2, ... optional yes/no no Set to no to turn off border around non-rectangular flags, e.g. File:Flag of Ohio.svg.
flag_s1, flag_s2, ... optional wikilink file name Name of image of flag for the state corresponding to |s1, |s2, etc. (just the name, no Image: coding), same as the flags for previous states. If the succeeding state had multiple flags during its existence, use the first flag that it used.
border_s1, border_s2, ... optional yes/no no Set to no to turn off border around non-rectangular flags, e.g. File:Flag of Ohio.svg.
image_p1,image_s1, ... optional wikilink file name Going further back in history, flags were less common and coats of arms were used instead. Coat of arms images are generally narrower than flag images, so if coat of arms images are displayed at the defined image size used here for flags (i.e. width=30px), they appear too big. Therefore, if you have anything other than a flag/banner image to use for a previous/following entity, fill in this field. Here you must enter all wikilinking as normally done when entering an image, but set the image width to 20px (or higher, depending on the individual image).

It is not the intention here to list every single previous/following entity—that would make the infobox look very silly in many cases. Here are some guidleines for what to do (and what not to do). There are no strict rules so please exercise caution and common sense when using this feature.

  1. For most cases, the main and/or official predecessor/successor (under international law) is sufficient, since that is what most readers would expect to see. In the case of any potential confusion, list only this.
    • Example: not every single state formed after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire should be listed in the infobox for the Ottoman Empire. Such a list is better described in the article text. Instead, only the official successor state would be given (Turkey).
  2. In some cases, most readers would expect to see every state that was formed, not just the official predecessor/successor. If so, list all states. If only parts of other countries were taken to form the new entity (or if an already existing entity received some of the land from a dissolved entity), list these states only when there are not so many other states to list.
    • Example: the official successors of Austria-Hungary would be only Austria and Hungary. But from the breakup of Austria-Hungary, two other new states were completely formed (Czechoslovakia and the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs), one state was formed from part of Austria-Hungary (Poland, including territory ceded from Germany and relinquished from Russian rule), and two already-existing states gained territory from Austria-Hungary (Italy and Romania). This gives a total of 7 successor states, which is rather high. In order of priority, the states listed should be: [Austria and Hungary], [Czechoslovakia and the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs], [Poland], and finally [Italy and Romania].
  3. Do not list entities that were formed/dissolved outside the life-span of the discussed state.
    • Example: the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia does require the listing of all countries involved, since that is what people would expect. But only the states formed at the time when the SFYR broke up should be given. Therefore, Serbia and Montenegro is a successor entity, not Serbia and Montenegro separately since that breakup occurred later.
  4. If an entity simply became a subdivision of another country (state, province, etc.), then link to that subdivision. Only do this if it the transition is very clear.
    • Example: the Republic of Texas was annexed by the USA and reconstituted as the US state of Texas. The successor here is not the USA, but the modern state of Texas.
  5. If the entity did not exist for a period before reforming (specified when you use the |life_span parameter above), do not list the intermediate states.
  6. If the predecessor and successor are the same, and this predecessor/successor continued to exist during this period, do not list either. Instead make it clear what this state was, somewhere in the events section (if necessary).
    • Example: the Confederate States of America broke away from the United States of America before becoming again part of the USA after the American Civil War. Detailing predecessor and successor states here as the USA is redundant since the USA still existed in some form during this period, so say nothing.

Area and population

Field Name Usage Type Values Description
stat_year1, stat_year2, ... optional (required if area or population is given) variable numerical It is possible to add multiple values for area and population over time.
  • Area must be given in km² without commas or any other spacing. The area in sq. mi. will be automatically calculated.
  • Population must be given without commas or any other spacing. If area is also known for this time, population density will be automatically calculated.
  • Even if the area does not change over time, it should always be added along with any new population values in order to calculate density.
    • Example: You have population values for 1800 and 1900. You also have an area value and you know that it is the same for both years. You enter |stat_year1=1800 and |stat_year2=1900 and the two population values (without commas or spacing) under |stat_pop1 and |stat_pop2. You then enter your area value (in km², without commas or spacing) in both |stat_area1 and |stat_area2. The area will not be displayed twice, but the population density will be calculated for both years.
stat_area1, stat_area2, ... optional variable numerical
stat_pop1, stat_pop2, ... optional variable numerical


Field Name Usage Type Values Description
footnotes optional free sentence (free text with wikilinks) A standard field for footnotes. Use footnotes if there is anything in the infobox that requires further explanation. Supports wikilinks

Style parameters


The template allows some optional parameters that control the style of the infobox for size and coloring when displayed on a page:

|width =  <!-- sets the width of the infobox (default: 290px) -->
|boxstyle =  <!-- sets the style properties of the whole infobox -->
|titlestyle =  <!-- sets the style properties of the top title/name area of the infobox -->

Some specific styles for the whole infobox are as follows:

|boxstyle = background:lightgray; <!-- sets the color behind all areas of the infobox -->
|boxstyle = border-color:blue; <!-- sets the line around the infobox to the color blue -->
|boxstyle = border-width:5px; <!-- sets line width around box to 5 pixels (default: 1px) -->
|boxstyle = margin-left:1px; margin-right:7px; <!-- resets the left/right margins of the infobox for similar alignment in both browsers [[Mozilla Firefox]] and [[Internet Explorer]] -->

Some specific styles for the title/name are as follows:

|titlestyle = background:lightgray; <!-- sets the color behind the top title/name area of the infobox -->
|titlestyle = color:gold; <!-- sets the text color in top title/name area -->
|titlestyle = text-align:left; <!-- shifts title/name text to the left (default: center) -->

For multiple settings, combine all on one line as follows:

|titlestyle = background:lightgray; color:darkgreen;

The properties are separated by semicolons (;), and beware that accidentally omitting semicolons will cause the settings to be ignored. Some style properties cannot be changed such as, setting |titlestyle=margin-left:25px might be ignored, because margin-left is a property, instead, of the whole box, using |boxstyle.

Establishment dates

  • First the template tests to see if "Category:States and territories established in the {{{year_start}}}" exists. If so, it is added.
  • If not, the template tests to see if "Category:States and territories established in {{{year_start}}}" exists. If so, it is added.
  • If not, the template tests to see if "Category:States and territories established in the DECADEs" where DECADE is the decade containing {{{year_start}}} (e.g. หมวดหมู่:States and territories established in the 110s). If so, it is added.
  • If not, the template tests to see if "Category:States and territories established in the Nth century" where N is the century containing {{{year_start}}} (e.g. หมวดหมู่:States and territories established in the 1st century BC). If so, it is added.

The reason for the first case is in case an imprecise date is entered, such as "the 820s" or "the 18th century", before trying exact dates like "1820".

Disestablishment dates


The reason for the first case is in case an imprecise date is entered, such as "the 820s" or "the 18th century", before trying exact dates like "1820".

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