Ray's Home world is not in the same as human

Very Far away form Earth

Loyld Brighten is the father of the Ray and The Light Guardian Of the Shinerian

And there is force of Evil trying to take the World

Oh and notice this Evil Force in Ray universe is not Darkness like any other

Darkness or Dark Magic is a Original Spell or magic that create to Punish Evil and bad guy not a Evil Power or magic

Light Magic can only do something like Protection spell, Create thing or Heal wound

Light magic can't hurt anyone Unless you are undead or Unholy Creature

So Evil General name Lonzo

Trying to conquer every country in planet and reveal the trueself of Dragon

Most people in Ray's Planet is Dragon and Mystic Creature

Lonzo Believe Dragon true self is a Ruler not a kind animal that can live and serve other like weakling

So Lonzo see Loyld as a weakling and trying to kill him but he failed several time

Until one day he fight with Loyld again but this time Loyld almost die and force each other fall back and recover themself

In that time Loyld's wife pregnant

Her name Is Maple Natura

And then Boom Ray was born

Born as a Prince of the Loyld brighten

Loyld then come back see his son safety but Wound badly

Then he think

With his age getting older so he can't getting any stronger...

He only grow weaker in time Loyld then decide to leave this guardian duty to his son

Then time move on when Ray was 8 (In dragon age = 16 age of human)

Loyld teach him how to fight and use Light magic

Give Ray a tough time Learning a Light magic, Fighting, combating for a one child is very not a good time

Only his mother give him what he deserve to be just a child

But Loyld only want Ray to be Stronger then Loyld

Without care...without love

But Ray still keep trainning

When Ray 20 years olds he is a Advance Combat, and Intermedia Light Magician

But it's still not enough for Loyld

And Time is not on his Loyld side this time

Lonzo Attack Shinerian (Again) But this time he bring whole army with him

Loyld have to do his job protect his people as king of Shinerian and Guardian of the Light

But Loyld know Ray is not ready for this but you know No one ever truly ready

Ray want to go out with His dad and fight along side with his father but Loyld know he's not ready

But Loyld give him a most important duty

Guarding a Heart of the Light

Heart of the Light Or Shinerian's Ruby is a Core of the Light magic

It's pure it's spread a good power and granted some protection against evil

But if The Heart of Light Destroy Shinerian is Vulnerable

So Loyld leave ray in the Heart of Shinerian with two guard

Oh his mother also go out and protect Ancient Forest near Shinerian too

Because Maple is a Elven Dragon

Ray in that time is kinda scare and afriad

So the big fight begin and Loyld Destroy every follower of Lonzo

But turn out Lonzo was not in the group of army

Lonzo Sneak into shinerian and he knew if he can destroy shinerian's ruby it's giving him a advantage

So Lonzo get into Heart of the Light and Ta-da He found Ray with two...useless guard...

Ray and Lonzo?

Heh you know the result Ray cannot win against the dragon that train for whole life

So Lonzo Killed Ray in that time

But Lonzo can't destroy Heart of the Light because Heart of the Light is too strong for him and when Loyld arrived...it's already too late Lonzo been knock out by Heart of light power But Ray?....He's gone

Loyld is now full of sadness and sorrow to let his son die...because he knew ray wasn't ready for this but still he force ray to do this

But hold on Ray's story doesn't end here

Because Death...is not always the End

For now Heart of the Light See Ray die for it So

Heart of the Light Keep his soul instead of letting him go and suffer in death

But His body being buried in the Ancient Forest Home of His mother

Ray's soul now traveling in the Dead man land...waiting for something...

And then one day

Mean while in the Earth

Yes Plant of Human

Some Dude full of justice and brave heart name Ray Brighton

Dragon name is Ray Brighten But this human name is Ray Brighton

Ray Brighton like i said he's lawful, Brave and kind but he's not good and music, singing or something like cooking

Brighton was a Soldier but some see him as a Merc

One day he found some Strange Artifact

Some say it come form another world

Then boom! His body being suck into that artifact

and you guess it

Brighton came to the Shinerian

Then Brighton found a Mysterious grave of the Light Dragon

Yes Ray Brighten's Grave

And Then Heart the light sense something in Brighton because Brighton and Brighten is like a same guy

And then Ray brighten and Brighton soul bond and bound together

And then boom! Half dragon half human

He can Shapeshift between Light dragon and Soldier boy

And that's the story of Ray Brighten

Living and Light!

Except now he had a father problem

You know after ray's death Loyld starting to blame himself what happened

To ray

So he decide to put Lonzo into the Hildon the wasteland  of the ray's planet and lock him in that place forever

but now with Ray's return Loyld he's kinda...

Can't look at his son in the eye or even talk to him...

Because his son dead because of him

Here...is where the First Light Dragon born and took place

It's start...by One night when the Shadow Cover these land...

That torn and take away hope form the prey and small creature

One Devout and Lonely Dragon, Ask The Spirit of the Planet for hope

She place her egg under this Tree, Then she sit and prayed, She prayed hoping to be heard

She prayed for answer...The Answer of that will solve the problem between Predator and Prey

In that time Every creature just live through the pure instinct...


She keep praying...all night without fear...and then The Spirit manifested itself

The root of this tree grow and cover her Egg...

and the grass twist over her Leg and body...

But not a cry nor a complaint came out form her mouth...

Every inhabitants of this land bore witness to it in that time...

And then...The First Light Guardian...was born...

Angelena The First Light was her name

Every year...form it's core, Flow with a Light and hope

Yes After that night Angelena give everyone a hope and solve the problem of the predator and prey

Predator help Prey and Prey be friend with Predator