
Baan Dam Museum แก้

// note - briefly explain what is Baan Dam Museum

History แก้

// note - explain about history of the Baan Dam Museum

Layout แก้

// note - explain the structural layout of the Baan Dam Museum

Cathedral (Art Museum Building) แก้

// note - explain about the cathedral

Small Temple แก้

/ note - explain about the small temple

East Pavilion แก้

/ note - explain about the east pavilion

Tri Phum (Triangle House) แก้

/ note - explain about the triangle house

Visiting แก้

// note - summarize the information sufficiently needed for the visitors.

Gallery แก้

// note - display image for the Baan Dam Museum

References แก้

// note - for referencing to other pages

External Links แก้

// note - for providing extra links from external