Butterfly Pea Juice, Butterfly Pea Juice Today I have taken Butterfly Pea flowers to make beautiful colored drinks. There are both blue and purple. In addition to the beautiful colors, blue butterfly pea flowers also have the benefits of anthocyanin, an antioxidant effect. Helps strengthen our immunity as well

Butterfly Pea Juice

For 6-8 glasses Time 30 minutes

1. 3 tablespoons of dried or fresh butterfly pea flowers 2. 1.5 liters of water 3. Lemon 4. Sugar

How to make Butterfly Pea Juice

1. Boil water to boil. Add pea flower to boil. Then reduce the heat to medium heat. Boil about 10 minutes. 2. When the time is up, scoop out the residue and season with sugar and lemon juice as desired. Serve both hot and cold.