

 ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สมปอง คล้ายหนองสรวง  Prof.Dr. Sompong Klaynongsruang เป็นหนึ่งในนักวิชาการ นักวิจัยที่มีความโดดเด่นของไทย
หน่วยงานที่สังกัด:          ภาควิชาชีวเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น 40002โทร(043) 342911โทรสาร (043) 342911 E-mail:  somkly@kku.ac.th, somklay.s@gmail.com

2533 ปริญญาตรี วท.บ. เทคนิคการแพทย์ เทคนิคการแพทย์ มหาวิทยาลัย


2539 ปริญญาโท วท.ม. วิทยาศาสตร์ ชีวเคมี มหาวิทยาลัย


2545 ปริญญาเอก Ph.D. ชีวเคมี Protein chemistry & enzymology Kyushu TokaiUniversity ญี่ปุ่น


 Enzymology, Protein purification, Protein structure and function. Proteomicsof animal and plant cells.

-1995 Graduated Fellowship from the National Science and Technology Development Agency  (NSTDA ), Thailand
-1999 The Ph.D. Scholarship from The academic exchange program between Khon Kaen   University and Kyushu Tokai  University
-2004 The Second Honors Project for Professional Vote Award (IRPUS) 2546 from Thailand Research Fund. Thailand
-2004 ตัวแทนโครงการอันดับหนึ่งของศูนย์ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ กลุ่มกายภาพและชีวภาพ  

สำหรับ Thailand Innovation Award จาก สมาคมวิทยาศาสตร์แห่งประเทศไทย.  

-2004 ทุนพัฒนาศักยภาพของอาจารย์รุ่นใหม่ จาก สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย (สกว.) และ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษา (สกอ.)
-2005 โครงการวิจัยดีเด่นประจำปี  2547  จาก มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น
-2005 ได้รับพระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ ทวีติยาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย ชั้นที่ 2 ณ วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม 2548
-2006 ทุนนักวิจัยรุ่นกลาง (เมธีวิจัย สกว.) จาก สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย (สกว.) และสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษา (สกอ.)
-2007 ทุนโครงการปริญญาเอกกาญจนาภิเษก สกว. และ ทุนโครงการปริญญาเอกกาญจนาภิเษก สกว.-อุตสาหกรรม
-2006-2008 IRPUS Promoting Node ของโครงการ IRPUS สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย (สกว.)
-2008 ทุนวิจัยสำหรับคณาจารย์บัณฑิตศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น
-2008 รางวัลเกียรติคุณผู้ทำคุณประโยชน์ให้กับคณะวิทยาศาสตร์ ประจำปี 2551 จากคณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


ได้รับพระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ ทวีติยาภรณ์ช้างเผือก ชั้นที่ 1 ณ วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ผ่านการอบรมหลักสูตร ASpec208 การบริหารจัดการนำบทความวิจัยมาสู่การตีพิมพ์ระดับนานาชาติ ณ วันที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2553

-2012 รางวัลนักวิจัยดีเด่น และนักวิจัยเกียรติคุณสารสิน ประจำปี 2554 รางวัลนักวิจัยระดับเงิน มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น













ได้รับพระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ ประถมาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย ชั้นที่ 1 ณ วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

รางวัลคนดีศรีจำปา ประเภทรางวัล “ด้านการวิจัย” จากคณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น  

รางวัลนักวิจัยดีเด่น สาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ประจำปี พ.ศ.  2558

ได้รับพระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ ประถมาภรณ์ช้างเผือก ชั้นที่ 1 ณ วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2558

ได้รับพระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ ประถมาภรณ์ช้างเผือก ชั้นที่ 1 ณ วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2558

ได้รับรางวัลนักวิจัยดีเด่น ระดับเหรียญทอง สาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี  มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2559

ได้รับรางวัลศิษย์เก่าดีเด่น มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล สาขาวิชาการและการวิจัย ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2560

ได้รับรางวัลนักวิจัยดีเด่นระดับเพชร สาขาวิทยาศาสตร์เทคโนโลยีและวิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2560

ได้รับพระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์ ชั้นเหรียญจักรพรรดิมาลา ณ วันที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2560

ได้รับรางวัลศิษย์เก่าเด่น บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2561

ได้รับรางวัลศิษย์เก่าเกียรติยศ คณะเทคนิคการแพทย์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2561

ได้รับรางวัลศิษย์เก่าดีเด่น มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ประจำปี พ.ศ. 2561 ประเภทรางวัล “ศิษย์เก่าแห่งความภาคภูมิใจ”

-2006 รองหัวหน้าภาควิชาชีวเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น
-2008 หัวหน้ากลุ่มวิจัยโปรตีนและโปรติโอมิกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น
-2011 ผู้ช่วยอธิการบดีฝ่ายวิจัยและการถ่ายทอดเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น
-2011 ผู้อำนวยการศูนย์วิจัยโปรตีนและโปรติโอมิกส์ เพื่อการพาณิชย์และอุตสาหกรรม (ศปพ.) มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น




รองผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายวิชาการ สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย (สกว.)  

ผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายวิชาการ สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย (สกว.)

รองผู้อำนวยการด้านการวิจัยพื้นฐานและพัฒนานักวิจัย และรักษาการผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายวิชาการ สกว.

รองผู้อำนวยการกลุ่มภารกิจบริหารระบบงบประมาณ ววน. สำนักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมวิทยาศาสตร์วิจัยและนวัตกรรม (สกสว.)


1. อนุสิทธิบัตร เรื่อง “กรรมวิธีการแยกบริสุทธิ์เปปไทด์จากเลือดจระเข้และอนุพันธ์ของเปปไทด์ ที่มีฤทธิ์ต้านเชื้อก่อสิวและเชื้อโรคทางผิวหนัง” ยื่นขอจด เมื่อวันที่ 22มกราคม 2561เลขที่คำขอ1803000163  

2.  อนุสิทธิบัตร เลขที่ 10627 เรื่อง“ดีเอ็นเอโพรบสำหรับตรวจหาเชื้อซัลโมเนลลา (Salmonella spp. DNA detection probe)” ยื่นขอจด เมื่อวันที่ 2 มิถุนายน 2557 เลขที่คำขอ 1403000585

3.อนุสิทธิบัตร เลขที่ 10678 เรื่อง “ฮีโมโกลบินจระเข้อัดเม็ดและกรรมวิธีการผลิตผลิตภัณฑ์”ยื่นขอจด เมื่อวันที่ 10 พฤษภาคม 2554 เลขที่คำขอ 1103000499  

4.  อนุสิทธิบัตร เลขที่ 7426 เรื่อง “ชุดตรวจสอบหาปริมาณของไอออนโลหะหนักแบบกึ่งเชิง ปริมาณ ในภาคสนาม” ยื่นขอจด เมื่อวันที่ 16 ธันวาคม 2553 เลขที่คำขอ 1003001352

5.  สิทธิบัตร เลขที่ 92457 เรื่อง “วิธีการสกัดแยกไลโซไซม์ด้วยความร้อนและกรดแอสคอบิค” ยื่นขอจด เมื่อวันที่ 29 เมษายน 2548 เลขที่คำขอ 0501002340  

ผลงานที่ตีพิมพ์/ เผยแพร่

1.    Anupong Joompang, Nisachon Jangpromma, Kiattawee Choowongkomon, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Anupong Tankrathok, Jarupa Viyoch, Kunlathida Luangpraditkun,Sompong Klaynongsruang(2020). Evaluation of tyrosinase inhibitory activity and mechanism of Leucrocin I and its modified peptides. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. Inpress.

2.    Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Anupong Joompang, Suyanee Thongchot, Boonpob Nowichai, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2020). Evidence of multi-functional peptide activity: Potential role of KT2 and RT2 for anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative stress, and anti-apoptosis properties. Applied Biological Chemistry. 63(5): 2-13.

3.    Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Jureerut Daduang, Aroonsri Priprem, Patcharee Boonsiri, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2020). Formulation and evaluation of niosomes encapsulated with KT2 and RT2: antimicrobial and anticancer peptides derived from crocodile leukocyte extract. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research.11(2): 623-630.

4.    Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Preeyanan Anwised, Sakda Daduang, Yoshihiro Fukumori, Azuma Taoka and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). Membranolytic effects of KT2 on gram-negative Escherichia coli evaluated by atomic force microscopy. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 55(5): 495-505.

5.    Napaporn Roamcharern, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Preeyanan Anwised, Bancha Mahong, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). Physiological Properties and Oxygen Affinity of Glutaraldehyde Polymerized Crocodile Hemoglobin: The New Alternative Hemoglobin Source of Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. 47(1): 852–861.

6.    Prapenpuksiri Rungsa, Piyapon Janpan, Yutthakan Saengkun, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Rina Patramanon, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Jureerut Daduang, Sakda Daduang (2019). Heterologous expression and mutagenesis of recombinant Vespa affinis hyaluronidase protein (rVesA2). Journal of venomous animals and toxins including tropical diseases. DOI: 10.1590/1678-9199-JVATITD-2019-0030.

7.    Anupong Tankrathok, Arpaporn Punpad, Monrudee Kongchaiyapoom, Sirinthip Sosiangdi, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Identification of the first Crocodylus siamensiscathelicidin gene and RN15 peptide derived from cathelin domain exhibiting antibacterial activity. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 66(2): 42–152.

8.    Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Nicholas Michael, Theeranan Temsiripong, WatchareeKhunkitti, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Nisachon Jangpromma (2018). Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus Siamensis) Hemoglobin Hydrolysate Derived from Trypsin and Papain Hydrolysis. Chiang Mai Journal of Science. 46(5): 915-929.

9.    Siriporn Khueychai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang (2018). Effects of alkaline hydrolysis and storage conditions on the biological activity of ostrich egg white.Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 43(4) :e13921. DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13921.

10.  Siriporn Khueychai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Kiattawee Choowongkomon, Anupong Joompang, Sakda Daduang, Mongkol Vesaratchavest, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Shinjiro Tachibana and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). A novel ACE inhibitory peptide derived from alkaline hydrolysis of Ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg white ovalbumin. Process Biochemistry. 73:235-245.

11.  Hathairat Srisong, Sophida Sukprasert, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Jureerut Daduangand Sakda Daduang (2018). Identification, expression and characterization of the recombinant Sol g 4.1 protein from the venom of the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases. 24:23. doi: 10.1186/s40409-018-0159-6.

12.  Pornsuda Maraming, Surachai Maijaroen, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Patcharee Boonsiri, Sakda daduang, Jing-Gung Chung and Jureerut Daduang (2018). Antitumor Ability of KT2 Peptide Derived from Leukocyte Peptide of Crocodile Against Human HCT116 Colon Cancer Xenografts. In vivo. 32: 1137-1144.

13.  Pornsuda Maraming, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Patcharee Boonsiri, Surachai Maijaroen, Sakda Daduang, Jing-Gung Chung, Jureerut Daduang (2018). Antitumor activity of RT2 peptide derived from crocodile leukocyte peptide on human colon cancer xenografts in nude mice. Environmental Toxicology. 33(9): 972-977.

14.  Surachai Maijaroen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Jureerut DaduangandSompong Klaynongsruang (2018). KT2 and RT2 modified antimicrobial peptides derived from Crocodylus siamensisLeucrocin I show activity against human colon cancer HCT-116

cells.Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 62: 164-176.

15.  Santi Phosri, Nisachon Jangpromma, Leng Chee Chang, Ghee T. Tan, Supakit Wongwiwatthananukit, Surachai Maijaroen, Preeyanan Anwised, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Siamese crocodile white blood cell extract inhibits cell proliferation and promotes autophagy in multiple cancer cell lines.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.28(6): 1007–1021.

16.  Weeraya Phupiewkham, Lu Qiumin, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Threeranan Temsiripong, Ren Lai, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Development and Characterization of Anti-acne gel containing Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) leukocyte extract. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 28(5): 707-717.

17.  Anawat Pakdeesuwan, Tomohiro Araki, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Lorenz K. Neubert, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2018). Development, characterization and determination of biological properties of crocodile hemoglobin (Crocodylus siamensis) tablets. Journal of Food Biochemistry.DOI: 10.1111/jfbc.12503.

18.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Patthana Tastub, Nisachon Jangpromma, Nualyai Yaraksa, Theeranan Temsiripong and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Combination of Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) Leukocyte Extract and Hen Egg Lysozyme. Chiang Mai Journal of Science. 45(2): 797-810.

19.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Khantheeranut Suttee, Santi Phosri, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2018). Antioxidant properties of Crocodylus siamensisblood components on H2O2-induced human skin fibroblast cells. Chiang Mai Journal of Science.45(3) : 1359-1371.

20.  Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Santi Phosri, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Theeranan Temsiripong, John E. Mckendrick, Watcharee Khunkitti and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017).Novel antioxidant and anti-inflammatory peptides from the Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin hydrolysate. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry.65(3): 455-466.

21.  Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Theeranan Temsiripong, John E. Mckendrick, Watcharee Khunkitti, Sarah Maddocks, and Sompong Klaynongsruang.

(2017). A novel antibacterial peptide derived from Crocodylus siamensishemoglobin hydrolysate induces membrane permeabilisation causing iron dysregulation, oxidative stress and bacterial death. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 123: 819-831.

22.  Nida Arbsuwan, WisarutPayoungkiattikun, Pisan Sirithorn, SakdaDaduang, Nisachon Jangpromma, Apisak Dhiravisit, Young Tae Hahm, Lorenz Kurt Neubert andSompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Purification and Characterization of Macrolactins and Amicoumacins from Bacillus licheniformisBFP011: A New Source of Food Antimicrobial Substances. CYTA – JOURNAL OF FOOD. 16(1):50–60.

23.  Sukanya Chaipayang, Chomphonuch Songsiriritthigul, Chan-Jung Chen, Philip M. Palacios, Brad S.Pierce, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Purification, characterization, cloning and structural analysis of Crocodylus siamensisovotransferrin for insight into functions of iron binding and autocleavage. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B.212: 59-69.

24.  Santi Phosri, Nisachon Jangpromma, Rina Patramanon, Bunkerd Kongyingyoes, Pramote Mahakunakorn and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2017). Protective Effect of Crocodile Hemoglobin and Whole Blood against hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Damage in Human Lung Fibroblasts (MRC-5) and Inflammation in Mice. Inflammation. 40(1): 205–220.

25.  Bung-on Prajanbana, Nisachon Jangpromma, Tomohiro Araki, and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Antimicrobial effects of novel peptides cOT2 and sOT2 derived from Crocodylus siamensisand Pelodiscus sinensisovotransferrins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1859(5): 860-869.

26.  Anawat Pakdeesuwan, Tomohiro Araki, Sakda Daduang, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Nisachon Jangpromma, and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). In vivo wound healing activity of Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin and evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant properties of hemoglobin and hemoglobin hydrolysate. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 27(1): 26–35.

27.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Natthiya Poolperm, Khanittra Pornsri, Thai Kabbua, Preeyanan Anwised, Santi Phosri, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2017). Proteomics Profiling and Inflammatory Factor Gene Expression in LPS-Stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells Treated with Crocodylus siamensisHemoglobin. Chiang Mai Journal of  Science. 44(3): 800-815.

28.  Raksmont Ubonbal, Saijai Porsoongnoen, Jureerut Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang and Sakda Daduang (2017). Purification and characterization of two isoforms of native α-amylase from Ok-Rong mango (Mangifera indicaLinn. cv. Ok-Rong). Turkish Journal of Biochemistry.doi.org/10.1515/tjb-2016-0218.

29.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Tamo Fukamizo, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2016). Role of His101 in the protein folding/unfolding of a goosetype lysozyme from ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg white. The Protein Journal.35(6): 416–423.

30.  Preeyanan Anwised, Nisachon Jangpromma, Theeranan Temsiripong, Rina Patramanon, Sakda Daduang, Sarawut Jitrapakdee, Tomohiro Araki, and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016).Cloning, Expression, and Characterization of Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) Hemoglobin from Escherichia coliand Pichia pastoris. The Protein Journal, 35(4): 256-268.

31.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Surachai Maijaroen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Nualyai Yaraksa, Sakda Daduang, Theeranan Temsiripong, Jureerut Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016). Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides Derived from Crocodylus siamensisLeukocyte Extract, Revealing Anticancer Activity and Apoptotic Induction on Human Cervical Cancer Cells. The Protein Journal,35(3): 202-211.

32.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Sutthidech Preecharram, Thanawan Srilert, Surachai Maijaroen, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Natsajee Nualkaew, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2016). In Vitro and In Vivo Wound Healing Properties of Plasma and Serum from Crocodylus siamensisBlood. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,26(6): 1140-1147.

33.  Surachai Maijaroen, Preeyanan Anwised, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Sakda Daduang, and Atcha Boonmee (2016). Comparison of recombinant α-hemoglobin from Crocodylus siamensisexpressed in different cloning vectors and their biological properties. Protein Expression and Purification,118: 55–63.

34.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Shoko Shinya, Yuya Kawaguchi, Tomohiro Araki, Tamo Fukamizo, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016). A goose-type lysozyme from ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg white: multiple roles of His101 in its enzymatic reaction. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 80(2): 264-272.

35.  Muchalin Meunchan, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Praroonkorn Incamnoi, Sophida Sukprasert, Prapenpuksiri Rungsa, Theerasak Somdee, Sittiruk Roytrakul, Sompong Thammasirirak and Sakda Daduang (2016). Identification of Bioactive Molecules from Thai Centipede, Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani, Venom. Chiang Mai Journal of  Science. 43(1) : 1-10.

36.  Prapenpuksiri Rungsa, Paroonkorn Incamnoi, Sophida Sukprasert, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Jureerut Daduang, Rina Patramanon, Sittiruk Roytrakul and Sakda Daduang (2016). Comparative proteomic analysis of two wasps venom, Vespa tropicaand Vespa affinis. Toxicon, 119 : 159-167.

37.  Prapenpuksiri Rungsa, Paroonkorn Incamnoi, Sophida Sukprasert, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Jureerut Daduang, Rina Patramanon, Sittiruk Roytrakul and Sakda Daduang (2016). Cloning, structural modelling and characterization of VesT2s, a wasp venom hyaluronidase (HAase) from Vespa tropica. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 22: 28.

38.  Narintorn Rattanata, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Sakda Daduang, Ratree Tavichakorntrakool, Temduang Limpaiboon, Ratsami Lekphrom, Patcharee Boonsiri, Jureerut Daduang (2016). Inhibitory Effects of Gallic Acid Isolated from Caesalpinia mimosoidesLamk on Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines and Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria.Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17(3): 1341-1345.

39.  Narintorn Rattanata, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Chanvit Leelayuwat, Temduang Limpaiboon, Aroonlug Lulitanond, Patcharee Boonsiri, Sirinart Chio-Srichan, Siriwat Soontaranon, Supagorn Rugmai, Jureerut Daduang (2016). Gallic acid conjugated with gold nanoparticles: antibacterial activity and mechanism of action on foodborne pathogens. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 11: 3347-3356.

40.  Supawadee Patathananone, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang, Jing Gung Chung, Yosapong Temsiripong and Sakda Daduang (2016). Inhibition HeLa cells metastasis by bioactive compound in crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell extract. Environmental Toxicology, 31(11): 1329-1336.

41.  Supawadee Patathananone, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang, Jing Gung Chung, Yosapong Temsiripong and Sakda Daduang (2016). Bioactive Compounds from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) White Blood Cells Induced Apoptotic Cell Death in HeLa Cells. Environmental Toxicology,31(8): 986-997.

42.  Pawinee Siritongsuk, Nuttaya Hongsing, Saengrawee Thammawithan, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Apichai Tuanyok and Rina Patramanon (2016). Two-Phase Bactericidal Mechanism of Silver Nanoparticles against Burkholderia pseudomallei. PLOS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0168098.

43.  Muchalin Meunchan, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang, Teerasak Somdee and Sakda Daduang (2015). Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of serine protease cDNA from the venom of the centipede Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani. TURK J BIOCHEM, 40(2): 181–187.

44.  Saijai Posoongnoen, Raksamon Ubonbal, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang, Hiromichi Minami, Kenji Yamamoto, Sakda Daduang (2015). α-amylase from mon thong durian (Durio zibethinus murr. cv. mon thong)-nucleotide sequence analysis, cloning and expression. Plant Biotechnology,32(1), 1-10.

45.  Sawinee Nasompag, Punpimon Dechsiri, Nuttaya Hongsing, Prasart Phonimdaeng, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Terri A. Camesano, Rina Patramanon (2015). Effect of acyl chain length on therapeutic activity and mode of action of The CX-KYR-NH2 antimicrobial lipopeptide. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes,1848: 2351–2364.

46.  ThitipornAnunthawan,César de la Fuente-Núñez, Robert E.W. HancockandSompong Klaynongsruang(2015). Cationic amphipatic peptides KT2 and RT2 are taken up into bacterial cell and kill planktonic and biofilm bacteria. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)–Biomembranes, 1848(6): 1352-1358.

47.  Siriporn Khueychai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Prasit Jaisil, Khomsorn  Lomthaisong, Apisak Dhiravisit, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2015). Comparative proteomic analysis of leaves, leaf sheaths and roots of drought-contrasting sugarcane   cultivars in response to drought stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,37:88.

48.  Weeraya Phupiewkham, Pisan Sirithorn, Weerasak Saksirirat and Sompong Thammasirirak(2015). Antibacterial Agents from Trichoderma harzianumstrain T9Against Pathogenic Bacteria. Chiang Mai  Journal of Science,42(2) : 304-316.

49.  Jintana Kommanee, Santi Phosri, Sakda Daduang, Yosapong Temsiripong, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014).Comparisons of anti-inflammatory activity of crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) blood extract. Chiang  Mai  Journal of  Science,41(3): 627-634.

50.  Santi Phosri, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Prasan Swatsitang, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014). Investigation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of blood from Crocodylus siamensis. The Protein Journal, 33(5): 484-492.

51.  Thai Kabbua, Preeyanan Anwised, Atcha Boonmee, Bishnu P. Subedi, Brad S. Pierce and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014). Autoinduction, purification, and characterization of soluble a-globin chains of crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification,103: 56-63.

52.  Jinda Jandaruang, Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Chomphunuch Songsiriritthigul, Sutthidech Preecharram, Taoka Azuma, Apisak Dhiravisit, Yoshihiro Fukumori, and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014). Purification, Characterization, and Crystallization of Crocodylus siamensis Hemoglobin. The Protein Journal,33(5): 377-385.

53.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Akira Saito, Tomohiro Araki, Prasit Jaisil, Patcharin Songsri, Sakda Daduang, Yuya Kawaguchi, Apisak Dhiravisit andSompong Thammasirirak(2014). Molecular cloning and characterization in eukaryotic expression systems of a sugarcane cysteine protease inhibitor gene involved in drought tolerance. Turkish Journal of botany,38(4): 724-736.

54.  Nida Arbsuwan, Pisan sirithorn Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014). Purification and Characterization of Antimicrobial Substances from Bacillus licheniformisBFP011. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology,50(6) : 580-587.

55.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nualyai Yaraksa,Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit, Sompong Thammasirirak (2014). Purification and Characterization of Antioxidant Peptides from Leukocyte Extract of Crocodylus siamensis. The Protein Journal,33(1): 24-31.

56.  Nualyai Yaraksa, Thitiporn Anunthawan, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Sakda Daduang, Tomohiro Araki, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014). Design and synthesis of cationic antibacterial peptide based on Leucrocin I sequence, antibacterial peptide from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell extracts. The Journal of Antibiotics,67(3): 205-212.

57.  Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Punchapat Sojikul, Siriwat Soontaranon, Wanwisa Limphirat and Sompong Thammasirirak(2013). A Protein from Aloeverathat inhibits the cleavage of human fibrin (ogen) by plasmin. Apply Biochemistry Biotechnology,170: 2034-2045.

58.  Thitiporn Anunthawan, Nualyai Yaraksa, Santi Phosri, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2013).Improving the antibacterial activity and selectivity of an ultra short peptide by hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid stretches. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 23(16): 4657-4662.

59.  Kanjana Madhongsa, Supaluk Pasan, Onanong Phophetleb, Sawinee Nasompag, SompongThammasirirak, Sakda Daduang, Suwimol Taweechaisupapong, Andrei L Lomize, Rina Patramanon (2013). Antimicrobial action of the cyclic peptide bactenecin on Burkholderia pseudomalleicorrelates with efficient membrane permeabilization. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7(6) : e2267.

60.  Preeyanan Anwised, Thai Kabbua, Theeranan Temsiripong, Apisak Dhiravisit, Tomohiro Araki, Sarawut Jitrapakdee and Sompong Thammasirirak(2013).Molecular cloning and expression of α-globin and β-globin genes from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis). The Protein Journal,32(3): 172-182.

61.  Sukanya Chaipayang, Likhid keha, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit, Chomphunuch Songsiriritthigul and Sompong Thammasirirak(2013). Purification and characterization of ovotransferrin from Crocodylus siamensis. The Protein Journal,32(2): 89-96.

62.  Paroonkorn Incamnoi, Rina Patramanon, SompongThammasirirak, Aroonrat Chaveerach, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Sophida Sukprasert, Prapenpaksiri Rungsa, Jureerat Daduang and Sakda Daduang (2013). Heteromtoxin (HmTx), a novel heterodimeric phospholipase A2from Heterometrus laoticusscorpion venom. Toxicon, 61: 62-71.

63.  Sophida Sukprasert, Prapenpaksiri Rungsa, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Paroonkorn Incamnoi, SompongThammasirirak,Jureerat Daduang and Sakda Daduang (2013). Purification and structural characterisation of phospholipase A1(Vespapase, Ves a 1) from Thai banded tiger wasp (Vespa affinis) venom, Toxicon,61(1) : 151-164.

64.  Jintana Kommanee, Sutthidech Preecharram, Sakda Daduang, Yosapong Temsiripong, Apisak Dhiravisit, Yuzo Yamada and Sompong Thammasirirak(2012).Antibacterial activity of plasma from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) against pathogenic bacteria. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 22(11):189-96.

65.  Sophida Sukprasert, Nunthawun Uawonggul, Tasanee Jamjanya, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang and Sakda Daduang (2012). Characterization of the allergen Sol gem 2from the fire ant venom, Solenopsis geminata, The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases,18(3): 325-334.

66.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Prasit Jaisil, Patcharin Songsri, Prasan Swatsitang, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak(2012). Evaluation of electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of 10sugarcane leaves under water-deficit stress conditions. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal,40 (Supplement 3): 74-82.

67.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Thammasirirak, Prasit Jaisil and Patcharin Songsri (2012).Effects of drought and recovery from drought stress on above ground and root growth, and water use efficiency in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarumL.). Australian Journal of Crop Science,6(8): 1298-1304.

68.  Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Kanjana Thumanu, Punchapat Sojikul and Sompong  Thammasirirak(2012).A novel serine protease with human fibrino (geno) lytic activities from Artocarpus heterophyllus latex. Biochimica et Biophysica acta,1824(7): 907-912.

69.  Saowaluck Srihongthong, Anawat Pakdeesuwan, Sakda Daduang, Tomohiro Araki, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2012). Complete amino acid sequence of globin chains and biological activity of fragmented crocodile hemoglobin (Crocodylus siamensis).The Protein Journal, 31(6): 466-476.

70.  Bung-on Prajanban, Laoo Shawsuan, Sakda Daduang, Jintana Kommanee, Sittiruk Roytrakul, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2012). Identification of five reptile egg whites protein using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and LC/MS-MS analysis.  Journal of Proteomics,75(6): 1940-1959.

71.  Thunchira Thepparat, Suporn Katawatin, Thevin Vongpralub, Monchai Duangjinda, Sompong Thammasirirak, Apirak Utha (2012). Separating of bovine spermatozoa proteins by using 2D-PAGE revealed the relationship between Tektin-4expression patterns and spermatozoa motility. Theriogenology,77(9): 1816-1821.

72.  Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Sompong Thammasirirakand Worada Samosornsuk (2012).Antimicrobial activity of a 48-kDa protease (AMP48) from Artocarpus heterophylluslatex. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences,6(1): 132-137.

73.  Jinda Jandaruang, Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Kanjana Thumanu, Chomphunuch Songsiriritthigul, Chartchai Krittanai, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2012).The effects of temperature and pH on secondary structure and antioxidant activity of Crocodylus siamensis hemoglobin. The Protein Journal,31(1): 43-50.

74.  Wichuda Jankangram, Sompong Thammasirirak, Meriel G. Jones, James Hartwell and Piyada Theerakulpisut (2011). Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals evidence for the basis of salt sensitivity in Thai jasmine rice (Oryza sativaL. cv. KDML 105). African Journal of Biotechnology,10(72): 16157-15166.

75.  Jaruwan Siritapetawee and Sompong Thammasirirak(2011). Purification and characterization of a heteromultimeric glycoprotein from Artocarpus heterophylluslatex with an inhibitory effect on human blood coagulation. Acta Biochimica Polonica,58(4): 521-528.

76.  Nunthawun Uawonggul, Sompong Thammasirirak, Arunrat Chaveerach, Chattong Chuachan, Jureerut Daduang and Sakda Daduang (2011). Plant extract activities against the fibroblast cell lysis by honey bee venom. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(10): 1978-1986.

77.  Karaket Phansri, Rakrudee Sarnthima, Sompong Thammasirirak, Pasakorn Boonchalee and Saranyu Khammuang (2011). Antibacterial activity of Bauhinia acuminateL. Seed Protein extract with low hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. Chiang Mai Journal of Science,38(1): 1-10.

78.  Supawadee Pata, Nualyai Yaraksa, Sakda Daduang, Yosapong Temsiripong, Jisnuson Svasti, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak(2011). Characterization of the novel antibacterial peptide Leucrocin from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell extracts. Developmental and Comparative Immunology,5(35): 545-553.

79.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Patcharin Songsri, Prasit Jaisil andSompong Thammasirirak(2010).Rapid assessment of chlorophyll content in sugarcane using a soil plant analysis development chlorophyll meter reading across different water stress conditions. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences,9(6): 368-374.

80.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Supansa Kitthaisong, Khomsorn Lomthaisong, Sakda Daduang, Prasit Jaisil and Sompong Thammasirirak(2010). A proteomics analysis of drought stress-responsive proteins as biomarker for drought-tolerant sugarcane cultivars. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,6(2): 89-102.  

81.  Sompong Thammasirirak, Yuwatida Pukcothanung, Sutthidech Preecharam, Sakda Daduang, Rina Patramanon, Tamo Fukamizo and Tomohiro Araki (2010). Antimicrobial peptides derived from goose egg white lysozyme.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C,151(1): 84-91.

82.  Weeraya Phupiewkham, Pisan Sirithorn, Veerasak Saksirirat and Sompong Thammasirirak(2010).Study of biological activity of Trichoderma harzianumisolate T9. KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies),10(1): 9-13.

83.  Sutthidech Preecharam, Pornpimon Jeranaipreprem, Sakda Daduang, Yospong Temsiripong, Teerasak  Somdee, Fukamizo Tamo, Jisnuson svasti and Sompong Thammasirirak(2010). Isolation and characterisation of crocosin, an antibacterial compound from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) plasma. Animal Science Journal,81(3): 393-401.

84.  Pornpimol Ponkham, Sakda Daduang, Wachira Kitimasak, Chartchai Krittanai, Daranee Chokchaichamnankit, Chantragan Srisomsap, Jisnuson Svasti, Shunsuke Kawamura, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak(2010). Complete amino acid sequence of three reptile lysozymes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C,151(1): 75-83.

85.  Anupong Tankrathok, Sakda Daduang, Rina patharamanon, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak(2009). Purification process for the preparation and characterizations of hen egg white ovalbumin, lysozyme, ovotransferrin and ovomucoid. Preparative Biochemistry Biotechnology,39(4): 380-399.

86.  Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Sompong Thammasirirak, Robert C Robinson, Jirundon Yuvaniyama (2009).The 1.9A X-Ray structure of egg-white lysozyme from taiwanese soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx SinensisWiegmann) exhibits structural differences from the standard chicken-type lysozyme. The Journal of Biochemistry,145(2): 193-198.

87.  Thibodin Dee-unkong, Pathana Tastub, Sirirat Lakkhum, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak(2009). Purification of ovalbumin and lysozyme from hen egg white by ethanol precipitation and chromatography. kku science journal,37(3): 294-304.

88.  Anuwat Wanthong, Sompong Thammasirirakand Khomsorn Lomthaisong (2008). Protein profile of rat neonatal adrenal gland when treted with monosodium glutamate.  African Journal of Biochemistry Research,2(9): 184-191.

89.  Sutthidech Preecharam, Sakda Daduang, Wandee Bunyatratchata, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak(2008). Antibacterial activity from Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) serum. African Journal of Biotechnology,7(17): 3121-3128.

90.  Kanlayani Charoensopharat, Petcharat Thummabenjapone, Pisan Sirithorn and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2008) Antibacterial substance produced by Streptomyces sp. No. 87. African Journal of Biotechnology,7(9): 1362-1368.

91.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Supansa Kitthaisong, Sakda Daduang, Prasit Jaisil and Sompong  Thammasirirak(2007). 18kDa Protein accumulation in sugarcan e leaves in sugarcane leaves under drought stress conditions. KMITL Science and Technology Journal,7(S1): 44-54.

92.  Laoo Shawsuan, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak(2007).Comparative study of reptile egg white proteins by 2D-PAGE. KMITL Science and Technology Journal,7(S2): 127-135.

93.  Supawadee Pata, Sakda Daduang, Jisnuson Svasti and Sompong Thammasirirak(2007).Isolation of lysozyme like protein  from crocodile leukocyte extract (Crocodylus siamensis). KMITL Science and Technology Journal,7(S1): 70-84.

94.  Yuwatida Pukcothanung, Somruedee Booncharoen and Sompong Thammasirirak(2007).Antimicrobial peptides derived from lysozymes. KKU Research Journal,12(3): 265-276.

95.  Sompong Thammasirirak, Suthidech Preecharam, Pornpimol Ponkham, Sakda Daduang, Tomohiro Araki and Jisnuson Svasti (2007).New variant of quail egg white lysozymes by peptide mapping. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 147(2): 314-324.

96.  Somruedee Booncharoen and Sompong Thammasirirak(2007). Antimicrobial peptide released by enzymatic hydrolysis of soft shelled turtle lysozyme. KMITL Science Journal, 7(1): 1-8.

97.  Nunthawun Uawonggul, Sompong Thammasirirak, Arunrat Chaveerach, Tarinee Arkaravichien, Wandee Bunyatratchata, Wipaporn Ruangjirachuporn, Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame, Takeshi Nakamura, Michiyuki Matsuda, Michimoto Kobayashi, Seisuke Hattori and Sakda Daduang (2007). Purification and characterization of Heteroscorpine-1 (HS-1) toxin from Heterometrus laoticusscorpion venom. Toxicon,49(1): 19-29.

98.  Sompong Thammasirirak, Pornpimol Ponkham, Suthidech Preecharam, Rathakarn Khanchanuan, Phalakorn Phonyothee, Sakda Daduang, Chantragan Srisomsap, Tomohiro Araki and Jisnuson Svasti (2006).Purification, characterization and comparison of reptile lysozymes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 143: 209-217.

99.  Nunthawun Uawonggul, Arunrat Chaveerach, Sompong Thammasirirak, Tarinee Arkaravichien, Chattong Chuachan and Sakda Daduang (2006). Screening of plants acting against Heterometrus laoticusscorpion venom activity on fibroblast cell lysis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,103(2): 201-207.

100.                Sompong Thammasirirak, Jaruwan Siritapetawee, Nison Sattayasai, Patchima Indrakamhang and Tomohiro Araki (2003). Detection of Babesia bovis in cattle by PCR-ELISA. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health,34(4): 751-757.

101.                Sompong Thammasirirak, Takao Torikata, Kazutoshi Takami, Koichi Murata and Tomohiro Araki (2002). The primary structure of cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) goose type lysozyme. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,66(1): 147-156.

102.                Sompong Thammasirirak, Takao Torikata, Kazutoshi Takami, Koichi Murata and Tomohiro Araki (2002). Study of the physicochemical stability of cassowary goose type lysozyme. Proceedings of School of Agriculture Kyushu Tokai University,21: 9-15.

103.                Sompong Thammasirirak, Takao Torikata, Kazutoshi Takami, Koichi Murata and Tomohiro Araki (2001). Purification and characterization of goose type lysozyme from  cassowary (Casuarius Casuarius) egg white. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,65(3): 584-592.

104.                Sompong Thammasirirak, Yuki Chijiiwa, Takao Torikata, Kazutoshi Takami, Koichi Murata and Tomohiro Araki (2001). Complete amino acid sequence of cassowary (Casuarius Casuarius) goose type lysozyme. Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi,75: 312.

105.                Sompong Thammasirirak, Takao Torikata, Kazutoshi Takami, Koichi Murata and Tomohiro Araki (2001). Enzymatic and structural properties of cassowary goose type lysozyme. Proceeding of the eighth International Chitin and Chitosan Conference and Fourth Asia Pacific Chitin & Chitosan Symposium (Chitin and chitosan in life science), 511-514.


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5.    Sompong Thammasirirak (2002)Proteomics…from gene to protein. KKU Science Journal,30: 160-168.

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1.     Napaporn Roamcharern, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Surapong Chatpun, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). In vitrotoxicity and physiological effects of polymerized crocodile hemoglobin (Poly-cHb) on hemorrhage class II and resuscitation in hamster model. The 17thInternational Symposium on Blood Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics and The 26thAnnual Meeting of the Society of Blood Substitutes, Japan. November 21-23, 2019. Nara Kasugano International Forum, Japan. Abstract p.142 [Poster]

2.     Phanuphong Wannaphong, Napaporn Roamcharern, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). Conformation changes and oxygen affinity shifts of glutaraldehyde polymerized crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin during storage. The 17thInternational Symposium on Blood Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics and The 26thAnnual Meeting of the Society of Blood Substitutes, Japan. November 21-23, 2019. Nara Kasugano International Forum, Japan. Abstract p.138 [Poster]

3.     Napaporn Roamcharern, Phanuphong Wannaphong, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). Crocodile hemoglobin: Challenging and beyond. The 17thInternational Symposium on Blood Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics and The 26thAnnual Meeting of the Society of Blood Substitutes, Japan. November 21-23, 2019. Nara Kasugano International Forum, Japan. [Oral presentation].

4.    Preeyanan Anwised, Anupong Joompang, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). Effects of serum hydrolysate from Crocodylus siamensison tyrosinase activity and melanin content in B16F1 murine melanoma cells. Cosmetic & Beauty International Conference 2019 Sustainable Cosmetic & Beauty Innovations. October 7-9, 2019. Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.

5.    Anupong Joompang, Nisachon Jangpromma, Kiattawee Choowongkomon and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2019). Investigation of tyrosinase inhibitory activity of tertrapeptides modified from Leucrocin I derivative. Cosmetic & Beauty International Conference 2019 Sustainable Cosmetic & Beauty Innovations. October 7-9, 2019. Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.

6.    Anupong Joompang, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Tyrosinase inhibition and antioxidant activity of leucrocin I and its derivatives. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

7.    Bancha Mahong, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Yosapong Temsiripong, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Exploring innate immune response of Crocodylus siamensis in bacterial immunization via RNA-seq. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation.June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

8.    Preeyanan Anwised, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Expression of alpha hemoglobin from siameses crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) under anaerobic condition. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

9.    Boonpob Nowichai, Preeyanan Anwised, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Preliminary study on the partial molecular cloning of defensin gene from Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis). The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation.June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

10.  Napaporn Roamcharern, Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang (2018) Characterization of novel modified crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin using bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6th BMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation.June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

11.  Anupong Tankrathok, Arpaporn Punpad, Sirinthip Sosiangdi, Monrudee Kongchaiyapoom, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Design of potent antimicrobial peptide from crocodilian cathelicidins. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

12.  Siriporn Khueychai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Improving biological activity of hen egg white by hydrolysis and characterization of proper storage condition. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

13.  Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). Identification of broad biological activities involvment in anti-inflammation of KT2, cationic peptides, against lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

14.  Surachai Maijaroen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Jureerut Daduang, Sompong Klaynongsruang(2018). In vitro antiproliferative activity and apoptosis inducing activity of RT2, modified peptide of leucrocin I, on human colon cancer HCT-116 cells. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation.June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

15.  Sirinthip Sosiangdi, Anupong Tankrathok, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Nisachon Jangpromma (2018). Potential antibacterial activity of designed Crocodylus siamensis hemoglobin-based peptides. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation.June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

16.  Thanawan Srilert, Sasinapa Sitthisuan, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Nisachon Jangpromma (2018) Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of plasma from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) and human. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

17.  Aphinya Thinthasit, Sucheewin Krobthong, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Nisachon Jangpromma (2018) Study of protein patterns in wild mushroom using proteomic approach. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

18.  Prakaymars Panumars, Sompong Klaynongsruang, Nisachon Jangpromma (2018) Toxicity investigation of amanitas wild mushrooms from local market in Khon Kaen. The 6thBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6thBMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

19.  Boonyarit Kukaew, Wanna Sirisangtragul, Sompong Klaynhongsruang, Nisachon Jangpromma (2018) The protective effects of Tiliacora triandra against methomyl induced cytotoxicity in murine macrophage (RAW 264.7) cells. The 6th Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International Conference (6th BMB): Networking in Biosciences for Creativity and Innovation. June 20-22, 2018. Rayong Resort, Rayong, Thailand.

20.  Anupong Joompang, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) blood components and its active peptide. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.141 [Poster]

21.  Weeraya Phupiewkham, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Daduang, Threeranan Temsiripongand Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Antimicrobial activity of Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) leukocyte extract against Propionibacterium acnes: Application for Acne treatment. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.142 [Poster]

22. Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Santi Phosri, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nisachon Jangpromma,Threeranan Temsiripong, John E. Mckendrick, Watcharee Khunkitti andSompong Klaynongsruang (2017). Novel antioxidant and anti-inflammatory peptide from Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin hydrolysates. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.143 [Poster]

23. Sirinthip Sosiangdi, Sompong Klaynongsruangand Nisachon Jangpromma (2017). The protective effect of white blood cell extract from Crocodylus siamensisblood on Propionibacteriumacnes-induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 macrophages.The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.144 [Poster]

24. Thanawan Srilert, Sompong Klaynongsruangand Nisachon Jangpromma (2017). Investgation of wound healing properties of Crocodylus siamensisserum on human keratinocyte cell (HaCaT). The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.145 [Poster]

25. Surachai Maijaroen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Jureerut Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Antimicrobial peptide analogs of Crocodylus siamensis siamensisLeucrocin I revealing anticancer activity and apoptotic induction on human colon cancer HCT-116 cell. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.146 [Poster]

26. Preeyanan Anwised, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Over-expression of hemoglobin from Crocodylus siamensis in Pichia pastoris. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.147 [Poster]

27. Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). KT2 and RT2, two new anti-inflammatory peptides derived from lecrocin I. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.148 [Poster]

28. Napaporn Roamcharern, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). The study of oxygen affinity of cross-linked crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.149 [Poster]

29. Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Dadaung and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). Crocodylus siamensisblood attenuates oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide in a skin fibroblast cell line. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.  The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.150 [Poster]

30. Yuki Ikeda, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sompong Klaynongsruangand Tomohiro Araki (2017). Protein expression and characterization of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase from ginger. The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.202 [Poster]

31. Anupong Tankrathok, Arpaporn Punpad, Monrudee Kongchaiyapoom, Nisachon Jangpromma, Sakda Dadaung and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2017). The novel cathelicidin peptide from crocodile exhibit potent antimicrobial activity.The 5thAsia Pacific Protein Association Conference and the 12thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. The Tide Resort, Bangsaen Chonburi, Thailand, July 11-14, 2017. Abstract p.203 [Poster]

32.  Santi Phosri, Nisachon Jangpromma, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Leng chee chang,  Ghee T Tan and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Protective effect of crocodile hemoglobin and whole blood on hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5). The 11th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, August, 3-5, 2016 [Poster]

33.  Surachai Maijaroen, Nisachon Jangpromma, Jureerut Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2016) Antimicrobial peptide analogs of Crocodylus siamensis  Leucrocin I with anticancer activity against human colon cancer cells. The 11th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, August 3-5, 2016. [Poster]

34.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Thanawan Srilert, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang  (2016). Evaluation of the properties of plasma from Crocodylus siamensisblood affecting wound repair in human keratinocytes cell line (HaCaT). The 11th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, August 3-5, 2016. [Poster]

35.  Anawat Pakdeesuwan, Sakda Daduangand Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Characterization of crocodile hemoglobin powder. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 86. [Oral presentation]

36.  Bung-on Prajanbana, Nisachon Jangprommaa, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Antibacterial activities of tryptic peptides derived from egg white ovotransferrin of Crocodylus siamensisand Trionyx sinensis Taiwanese. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 62. [Oral presentation]

37.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Tamo Fukamizo and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2016) Role of His101 in goose-type lysozyme from ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg white. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 61. [Oral presentation]

38.  Khantheeranut Suttee, Sompong Klaynongsruangand Nisachon Jangpromma (2016) Bactericidal activity analysis of Crocodylus siamensisliver protein. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Proceeding p.333-336. [Poster]

39.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoena, Nisachon Jangpromma, Nualyai Yaraksa, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Antibacterial and anticancer activities of novel peptide RP9 isolated from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) leukocyte extract. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 59. [Oral presentation]

40.  Santi Phosri, Leng Chee Chang, Supakit Wongwiwatthananukit, Mayuramas Sang-Ngern, Duncan Crispin Sesaazi, John M Pezzuto, Nisachon Jangpromma, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Ghee T Tan and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Anticancer activity of white blood cell extract from Crocodylus siamensisblood against human cancer cell growth. The 5thInternational Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 78. [Oral presentation]

41.  Siriporn Khueychai, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) In vitroangiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of protein hydrolysates from hen and ostrich egg whites. The 5thInternational Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 58. [Oral presentation]

42.  Sukanya Chaipayang, Chun-Jung Chen, Chomphunuch Songsiriritthigul and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Expression, characterization and 3D modelling of recombinant transferrin from Crocodylus siamensis. The 5thInternational Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 60. [Oral presentation]

43.  Surachai Maijaroen, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nualyai Yaraksa, Thitiporn Anunthawan, Jureerut Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Leucrocin I analogs derives from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell extract revealing anticancer activity and apoptotic induction on human cervical cancer cells. The 5thInternational Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 79. [Oral presentation]

44.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Santi Phosri, Pramote Mahakunakorn and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Suppression of iNOS by Crocodylus siamensishemoglobin in LPS-induced inflammatory macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 171. [Poster]  

45.  Preeyanan Anwised, Sarawut Jitrapakdee and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Expression and refolding of insoluble crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin from Escherichia coliand its antioxidant activity. The 5th International Biochemistry and Molecular biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 156. [Poster]

46.  Wisarut Payoungkiattikun, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2016) Novel discovery of anti-inflammatory on leucrocin I analog short peptides. The 5thInternational Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference (BMB). B.P. Samila Beach hotel, Songkhla, May 26-27, 2016. Abstract p. 160. [Poster]

47.  Preeyanan Anwised, Theeranan Temsiripong and Sompong Klaynongsruang (2015) Molecular Cloning, Expression and Characterization ofα-Globin from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) in Pichia pastoris. The 4thInternational Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering (LSBE). Nagoya, Japan, November 4-6, 2015. [Oral presentation]

48.  Thitijchaiya Thanwiset, Jureerut Daduang,Sompong Klaynongsruang, Yosapong Temsiripong and Sakda Daduang (2015) Deverlopment of sensitive and specific method to determine immune response in infected crocodile. The 10thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, July 15-17, 2015. [Proceeding]

49.  Surachai Maijaroen, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nualyai Yaraksa, Thitiporn Anunthawan, Jureerut Daduang and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2015)  Leucrocin I analog from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell for anti-proliferation of cervical cancer cells. The 10thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, July 15-17,2015. [Poster]

50.  Sukanya Chaipayang, Chun-Jung Chen, Chomphunuch Songsiriritthigul, and Sompong Klaynongsruang(2015)  Molecular cloning and expression of transferrin from Crocodylus siamensis. The 10thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, July 15-17,2015. [Poster]

51.  Hirunya Sintusiri, Sompong Klaynongsruang, and Nisachon Jangpromma (2015)  Identification of human blood for forensic purposes using two specific gene: CD93, CDY. The 10thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, July 15-17, 2015. [Poster]

52.  Khantheeranut Suttee, Sompong Klaynongsruang, and Nisachon Jangpromma (2015)  Antimicrobial activity of liver protein from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis). The 10thInternational Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand.Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, July 15-17,2015. [Poster]

53.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Tamo Fukamizo, Tomohiro Araki, Sompong Thammasirirak (2014) Identification of an essential amino acid residue for binding ability of g-type lysozyme to chitin trisaccharide. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2 - 4, 2014 [Poster]

54.  Anawat Pakdeesuwan, Sakda Daduang, Detpon Preechagoon, Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Antioxidant activity of crocodile hemoglobin tablets. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014 [Poster]

55.  Thitijchaya Thanwiset, Yosapong Temsiripong, Jureerut Daduang, Sompong Thammasirirak, Sakda Daduang (2014) Development of sensitive and specific methods to determine immune response in infected crocodile for phase 1 of vaccination development against pathogenic microorganism infections in crocodile farming industries. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014. [Oral Presentations]

56.  Thai Kabbua, Atcha Boonmee, Brad S. Pierce, Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Heme species, heme content and EPR studies on alpha crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin expressed in bacteria by an autoinduction system. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40), Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014. [Oral Presentations]

57.  Preeyanan Anwised, Threeranan Temsiripong, Sarawut Jitrapakdee, Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Cold-shock inducible expression system produced soluble recombinant hemoglobin from Crocodylus siamensis.The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014. [Oral Presentations]

58.  Siriporn Khueychai, Sakda Daduang, Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Purification of ovalbumin from hen and ostrich egg whites. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014 [Poster]

59.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nualyai Yaraksa, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit, Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Antioxidant peptides in crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) leukocyte extract. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40), Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December

2-4, 2014 [Poster]

60.  Surachai Maijaroen, Sompong Thammasirirak, Atcha Boonmee(2014)Investigation of biological function of recombinant alpha hemoglobin from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014. [Oral Presentations]

61.  Supawadee Patathananone, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang, Jing Gung Chung, Yosapong Temsiripong, Sakda Daduang (2014) Suppression hela cells metastasis by gelatinases-like inhibitor. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014 [Poster]

62.  Natthaporn Kuendee, Sompong Thammasirirak, Sakda Daduang (2014) Cloning and expression of recombinant virulence gene (rpon gene) from aeromonas hydrophila for nile tilapia immunization. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December

2-4, 2014. [Oral Presentations]

63.  Saijai Posoongnoen, Raksmont Ubonbal, Sompong Thammasirirak, Jureerut Daduang, Hiromichi Minami, Kenji Yamamoto, Sakda Daduang (2014) Expression and characterization of an α-amylase from mon thong durian (durio zibethinus murr. cv. mon thong).The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014 [Poster]

64.  Raksmont Ubonbal, Saijai Porsoongnoen, Jureerat Daduang, Sompong Thammasirirak, Sakda Daduang (2014) Cloning and expression of partial α-amylase gene from ok-rong mango. The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014. [Oral Presentations]

65.  Thitiporn Anunthawan, Nualyai Yaraksa, Santi Phosri, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit, Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Enhancing the antibacterial activity and selectivity of an ultra-short peptide by hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid additions at C terminal.The 40th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT40),Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Khon Kaen, Thailand, December 2-4, 2014 [Poster]

66.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Tamo Fukamizo, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014)Importance of histidine residues at the substrate-binding site to the chitin hydrolytic activities of ostrich egg white lysozyme. 7th AOHUPO Congress and 9th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand, Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. August, 6-8, 2014. Abstract p. 115. [Oral Presentations]

67.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nualyai Yaraksa, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014)Determination of antioxidant efficiency on short peptides isolated from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) leukocyte extract. 7th AOHUPO Congress and 9th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand, Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. August, 6-8, 2014. Abstract p. 120. [Poster]

68.  Santi Phosri, Nisachon Jangpromma, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) hemoglobin and whole blood in animal models. 7th AOHUPO Congress and 9th International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand, Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. August, 6-8, 2014. Abstract p. 120. [Poster]

69.  Thai Kabbua, Atcha Boonmee, Brad S. Pierce and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Autoinduction, Purification, and Characterization of alpha Globin Chains from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) in Escherichia coli. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 65. [Oral Presentations]

70.  Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Threeranan Temsiripong, Watcharee Khunkitti and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Antibacterial Activity from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) White Blood Cell Extracts. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 91. [Poster]

71.  Jinda Jandaruang and Sompong Thammasirirak (2014) Purification and Characterization of Crocodylus siamensisHemoglobin. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3,2014. Abstract p. 92. [Poster]

72.  Siriporn Khueychai, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Study of Protein Pattern and Partial Purification of Ovalbumin from Hen and Ostrich Egg White. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3,2014. Abstract p. 94. [Poster]

73.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Tamo Fukamizo, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) NMR Study on the Binding Modes of a Goose-type Lysozyme from Ostrich Egg White for Peptidoglycan Fragment. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 95. [Poster]                  

74.  Preeyanan Anwised, Yosapong Temsiripong, Sarawut Jitrapakdee and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Molecular Cloning and Expression of Hemoglobin from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) in Yeast Pichia pastoris. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3,2014. Abstract p. 125. [Poster]

75.  Surachai Maijaroen, Sompong Thammasirirak  and Atcha Boonmee (2014) Expression and Purification of Recombinant alpha Hemoglobin Subunit from Crocodylus siamensis.The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 127. [Poster]

76.  Anawat Pakdeesuwan, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Antioxidant Property of Crocodile Hemoglobin. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3,2014. Abstract p. 186. [Poster]

77.  Patthana Tastub, Sakda Daduang, Theerasak Somdee and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Purification of Lysozyme from Deformed Eggshells by Ethanol Precipitation. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3,2014. Abstract p. 187. [Poster]

78.  Weeraya Phupiewkham, Yosapong Temsiripong, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014)Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of white blood cell extracted from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) anti-acne gel. The4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 188. [Poster]

79.  Nualyai Yaraksa, Tinnakorn Theansungnone, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014)Antibacterial activity and Mechanism of action of Leucrocin I Analogues; Antibacterial Peptide from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) White Blood Cell Extracts. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3,2014. Abstract p. 211. [Poster]

80.  Nida Arbsuwan, Pisan Sirithorn, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) The Properties of Antimicrobial Substances from Bacillus licheniformisBFP011. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 212. [Poster]

81.  Santi Phosri, Pramote Mahakunakorn, Prasan Swatsitang andSompong Thammasirirak (2014)Antioxidant Activity from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) Serum. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 213. [Poster]

82.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Nualyai Yaraksa, Sakda Daduang, Apisak Dhiravisit and Sompong Thammasirirak(2014) Hemolytic Effect of Antioxidant Peptides Isolate from Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) Leukocyte Extract. The 4th International Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference 2014, Rama Gardens Hotel & Resort, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2-3, 2014.Abstract p. 214. [Poster]

83.  Surachai Maijaroen, Sompong Thammasirirakand Atcha Boonmee (2013) Cloning and expression of thioredoxin-tagged hemoglobin alpha subunit from Crocodylus siamensis. The 8thInternational Symposium of The Protein Society of Thailand, Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok Thailand. August 5-7,2013. Proceeding p.131-137. [Poster]

84.  Likhid Keha, Nisachon Jangpromma and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2013) Purification and characterization of ovotransferrin from soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). The 8thInternational Symposium of The Protein Society of Thailand, Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, Auust 5-7, 2013.Proceeding p.144-150. [Poster]

85.  Jiraporn Lueangsakulthai, Watcharee Khunkitti and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2013) Antioxidant activity from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell extracts. The 8th international symposium of the protein society of Thailand.Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, August 5-7,2013. Proceeding p.126-130. [Poster]

86.  Siriporn Khueychai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Khomsorn Lomthaisong, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2011) Comparison of protein patterns in leaf and leaf sheath tissue of drought-tolerant sugarcane using 2D-PAGE analysis. The 6thInternational Symposium of The Protein Society of Thailand, 30August - 2September 2011, Chulabhorn Research Institute Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract p. 39. [Poster]

87.  Chalermchai Somboonpatarakun, Sakda Daduang and Sompong  Thammasirirak. (2011) Purification of g-type lysozyme from ostrich egg white. The 6thInternational Symposium of The Protein Society of Thailand, 30August - 2September 2011, Chulabhorn Research Institute Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract p. 40. [Poster]

88.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2011) Antibacterial property of crude leukocyte from the siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis). The 6thInternational Symposium of The Protein Society of Thailand, 30August - 2September 2011, Chulabhorn Research Institute Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract p. 41. [Poster]

89.  Siriporn Khueychai, Nisachon Jangpromma, Khomsorn Lomthaisong, Prasid Jaisil, Sakda Daduang and Sompong  Thammasirirak. (2012) Protein expression patterns of drought- tolerant sugarcane using 2D-PAGE technique. The Fourth International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of the Greater Mekong Sub-region, 23January-24January 2012, Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Hotel Khon Kaen, Thailand. Abstracts p.26and Proceeding on CD.

90.  Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Sakda Daduang, and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2012) Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of crude leukocyte from the Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis). The Fourth International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of the Greater Mekong Sub-region, 23January-24January 2012, Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Hotel Khon Kaen, Thailand. Abstracts p.40and Proceeding on CD.

91.  Sompong Thammasirirak. (2010)Purification, characterization and complete amino acid sequence of  three reptile lysozymes, Eps global international environment and health forum, jiangyin, china, November 26-29, 2010.

92.  Sompong Thammasirirak. (2009)The proteome of crocodile egg white. BIT Life Science 2ndAnnual Peptide and Protein Conference. Soule South Korea, April 2-4.,2009.

93.  Nisachon Jangpromma, Anuluk Anan, Chaturaphat Thamoolres, Patcharin Songsri, Prasit Jaisil and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2009) Rapid Assessment of Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane Using a Soil Plant Analysis Development Chlorophyll Meter Reading. The 21stAnnual Meeting and International Conference of The Thai Society for Biotechnology TSB 2009“Biotechnology: A Solution to the Global Economic Crisis?”.Queen Sirikit National Convention center, Bangkok, Thailand, September 24-25, 2009.Abstracts p. 52. [Poster]

94.  Weeraya Phupiewkham, Pisan Sirithorn, Veerasak Saksirirat and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2009)Screening of Biological Activity of Trichoderma harzianumstrain T9.  The 21st Annual Meeting and International Conferrence of Thai Society for Biotechnology (TSB2009).Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand. September 24-25,2009. Abstracts p. 188. [Poster]

95.  Nida Arbsuwan, Pisan sirithorn and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2009) Partial characterization of antibacterial substance from Bacillusspp. B9and BFP 011.The 21stAnnual Meeting and International conference of The Thai Society for Biotechnology.Queen Sirikit National Convention Center Bangkok, Thailand, September 24-25,2009. Abstracts p. 185. [Poster]

96.  Sompong Thammasirirak, Sutthidech Preecharram, Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame, Sakda Daduang and Yosapong Temsiripong. (2008) In vivo wound healing-promoting activity of siamese crocodile blood. The 2ndInternational Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, Hanoi Agricultural University, Vietnam, October 2-3,2008.

97.  Sompong Thammasirrak, Chainarong Kutan, Sutthidech Preecharram, Sakda Daduang and Jisnuson Svast. (2008) Antimicrobial peptides, (crocosins) from freshwater crocodile, (Crocodylus siamensis) white blood cell extracts. The 33rdFEBS Congress & 11thIUBMB International Conference.Athens, Greece, 28June -3July, 2008.

98.  Supawadee Pata, Sakda Daduang, Jisnuson Svasti and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2007) New antimicrobial protein from crocodile leukocyte extract (Crocodylus siamensis). The 5th International Symposuim on Biocontrol and Biotechnology. Khon Kaen University, Nong Khai Campus, Nong Khai, Thailand, November 1-3, 2007.

99.  Laoo Shawsuan, Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2007) Comparative Study of reptile egg white protein by 2D-PAGE. The5thInternational Symposuim on Biocontrol and Biotechnology. Khon Kaen University, Nong Khai Campus, Nong Khai, November 1-3, 2007.

100.                Kanlayani Charoensopharat, Petcharat Thammabenjapone, Pisan sirinthorn and Sompong Thammasirirak.(2007) Study of antimicrobial substance produced by Streptomycesspp. 87. The 5thInternational Symposuim on Biocontrol and Biotechnology. Khon Kaen University, Nong Khai Campus, Nong Khai, Thailand, November 1-3, 2007.

101.                Nisachon Jangpromma, Supansa Kitthaisong, Sakda Dadoung, Prasit Jaisil and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2007) Protein accumulation in sugarcane leaves under drought stress condition. The 5th International Symposuim on Biocontrol and Biotechnology. Khon Kaen University, Nong Khai Campus, Nong Khai, Thailand, November 1-3, 2007.

102.                Yuwathida Pukcothanung, Somruedee Booncharoen and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2006) Antimicrobial peptides from lysozymes. The First International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Khon Kaen, Thailand, August 15-16, 2006.

103.                Sutthidech Preecharram, Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Yosapong Temsiripong Sakda Daduang and Sompong Thammasirirak. (2006). Crocosins, Antimicrobial peptides from crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) serum. The First International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Khon Kaen, Thailand, August 15-16, 2006.

104.    Pornpimol Ponkham, Sakda Daduang, Jisnuson Svasti, Tomohiro Araki and Sompong Thammasirirak.(2006) The amino acid sequence of three reptile lysozymes. 20thIUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11thFAOBMB Congress in conjunction with 79thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society. Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, June18-23,2006.

105.    Sompong Thammasirirak, Supawadee Pata, Supansa Kitthaisong, Sutthidech Preecharram, Sakda Daduang, Nisachon Jangpromma and Anupong Tankrathok. (2006) Electrophoretic pattern of reptile egg white proteins. 20thIUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11thFAOBMB Congress in conjunction with 79thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society. Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, June18-23,2006.

106.    Sompong Thammasirirakand Tosukhowong, P. (1997) Synthesis and purification of DNP-dUTP derivative for nonisotopic gene detection. 17thInternational Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, San Francisco, USA, The FASEB Journal supplement.

107.   Jintana Sattayasai, Umaporn Wibul-outai, Sompong Thammasirirakand Nison Sattayasai. (1997) EAA-induced cell death in chick retina. 20thInternational Summer School of Brian Research “Neuronal degeneration and regeneration from basic mechanisms to prospects for therapy”.Amsterdam August. (Abstract in English).


1.    สมปอง ธรรมศิริรักษ์. (2541)“ไซโตพลาสซึม (Cytoplasm)”ภาควิชาชีวเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น, พ.ศ. 2541, 84 หน้า

2.    สมปอง ธรรมศิริรักษ์. (2546)“เอนไซม์และโคเอนไซม์ (Enzyme and coenzyme)” ภาควิชาชีวเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น,พ.ศ. 2546, 71 หน้า

3.    สมปอง ธรรมศิริรักษ์. (2549) “นิวคลิโอไทด์เมแทบอลิซึม” ภาควิชาชีวเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น, พ.ศ. 2549, 45 หน้า

4.    สมปอง ธรรมศิริรักษ์.  (2550) “โครงสร้างและหน้าที่ของโปรตีน”ภาควิชาชีวเคมี คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น, พ.ศ. 2550, 188 หน้า

5.   สมปอง คล้ายหนองสรวง. (2558) “เปปไทด์ต้านจุลชีพในสัตว์เลื้อยคลาน”ภาควิชาชีวเคมี

คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น, พ.ศ.2558, 202 หน้า

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