SubjectStar Wars
GenreScience Fiction

the following are automatically included
country = USA
language = English
subject = Star Wars
genre = Science Fiction

the coding for the image is included. simply type the image name in (image.jpg for example) and it will be inserted centered and 210px wide.

the coding for canon is also included. just type in the letter of the canoninity (G, C, S, N...), and it will link to Star Wars canon

ISBN is the same. "ISBN " will be already included, so you just have to put in the number, and it will format it like ISBN 1-569-71649-8.

|name           = 
|image          = 
|caption        = 
|story          = 
|script         = 
|cover_art      = 
|pencils        = 
|inks           = 
|art            = 
|lettering      = 
|colors         = 
|designer       = 
|art_dir        = 
|editor         = 
|asst_editor    = 
|asso_editor    = 
|publisher      = 
|era            = 
|series         = 
|galactic_year  = 
|canon          = 
|publishing_co  = 
|release_date   = 
|pages          = 
|size_weight    = 
|isbn           = 
|schedule       = 
|format         = 
|issues         = 
|main_char_team = 
|preceded_by    = 
|followed_by    = 