[มีข้อโต้แย้งเรื่องนี้ ]

Documentation icon คู่มือการใช้งานแม่แบบ[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

Usage แก้

{{Disputed-inline|Talk page section|date=เมษายน 2024}}

Articles with disputed statements แก้

This inline template helps highlight a disputed particular statement or alleged fact, in contrast to the {{Disputed}} and {{Disputed-section}} templates which mark a whole article or section as disputed. This is particularly helpful when there are reliable sources supporting two or more different claims. {{Disputed-inline}} should not be used without also raising the issue on the talk page. When used on an article page, the word "disputed" links to Wikipedia:Disputed statement, and the article is placed in Category:Accuracy disputes or one of its dated sub-categories. This template is a more strongly worded version of {{Dubious}}, which indicates a potential dispute, most often a question about reliable sourcing for the statement/fact at issue; {{Disputed-inline}} indicates that at least one editor believes there is no question that the statement has a verifiability problem.

Other pages แก้

If this tag is used outside the article namespace, it will not be categorized in an article cleanup category, and the word "disputed" links to Wikipedia:Consensus. It can be used to indicate an unresolved dispute and a talk page topic about the dispute, e.g. an issue at a guideline or WikiProject page. {{Disputed-inline}} should not be used without also raising the issue on the talk page.

See also แก้

วิกิพีเดีย:Resolving Disputes/Templates