Documentation icon คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

This template implements a generic visual representation of the bracket of a single-elimination tournament with any number of rounds.


| RD1 =
| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1  =

Per MOS:ACCESS#Font size and MOS:SMALLFONT, "avoid using smaller font sizes in elements that already use a smaller font size, such as infoboxes, navboxes and reference sections". Since this template's text is already reduced to 90% of the normal size, use of the {{Small}} template or <small>...</small> tags within this template produces a font size that is 77% of the page default, well below the 85% minimum specified in the linked guidelines.


Parameter Description
maxround maximum round to display. This parameter should be omitted unless it is less than the default value set by rounds.
seed-width the width of the cells for seeds. Plain numbers are assumed to be in px units (e.g., 25 or 25px 2em for 2em or auto for automatic width sizing)
team-width the width of the cells for team names. Plain numbers are assumed to be in px units (e.g., 200 for 200px or 15em for 15em or auto for automatic width sizing)
score-width the width of the cells for scores. Plain numbers are assumed to be in px units (e.g., 25 or 25px 2em for 2em or auto for automatic width sizing)
compact set to yes for compact bracket and to disable groups.
seeds set to no to omit seed cells, and yes to always show seed cells
sets or legs the number of sets/legs in each round of matches (delimit with / for different numbers of sets or legs per round)
nowrap set to yes to prevent lines from wrapping
byes set to 1, 2, ... to specify the maximum round number with byes
boldwinner set to high to automatically bold the seed/team/scores for the team with the highest score, and low for the lowest score
hideomittedscores set to 1 to hide all omitted score cells. To only omit score cells from the second set or leg onwards, use 2
sepwidth set to 1 or 2 to override the default separator width
headings set to no to omit the column headings
RDn The name of round n. Defaults are "Round of m", ..., "Quarterfinals", "Semifinals", and "Finals", where m is the number of teams in the round.
RDn-groupm The name of group m in round n. For each round, every set of four teams is classified as a group.
RDn-seedm The seed of team m in round n. For round 1, this value defaults to the conventional seed allocation for tournaments. If omitted, the cell is hidden. To hide seeds for round 1, the value must be explicitly set to be empty. m is the zero-padded position.
RDn-teamm The name of team m in round n.
RDn-scorem The score of team m in round n.
RDn-scorem-s The score of team m in round n and set s (or leg for multileg matches). Alternatively, the last score in the round can be specified using the -agg suffix.
RD1-omit Selectively omit teams from the first round. For example, use 1 / 2 / 5 / 6 to omit team1, team2, team5, and team6 from the first round.
RD-shade Background color for the RDn headings
RDn-shadem-s Background coloring for team m in round n and set s (or leg for multileg matches).
RDn-RDn+1-path Set to 0 to omit the path between round n and round n+1.
float Float the bracket to the left or right or center or centre of the page.
clear Set to no to prevent "clearing" the left/right side of the page before floating to the left/right. This parameter is only valid with |float=left or |float=right.
aggregate Set to sets or legs to sum the sets/legs won and append to the end of the scores. Set to score to sum the scores from each set/leg and append to the end of the scores. Set to y or yes to enable the -agg suffix, but without any auto computation. Only works when there are two or more legs/sets in the round. Any automatically computed value can be overridden by setting the value manually with the -agg suffix for the score.


No seeds

| seeds = no
| RD1 =
| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1  =
Semifinals Finals


| compact = yes
| RD1 =
| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1  =
Semifinals Finals

Third place

| RD1 =
| RD1b = Third place

| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1  =
Semifinals Finals


| RD1 =
| RD1-group1  = Pacific
| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1  =
Semifinals Finals


| sets = 3/5
| RD1 =
| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1-1=
| RD1-score1-2=
| RD1-score1-3=
Semifinals Finals


| legs = 2
| aggregate = y
| RD1 =

| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1-1=
| RD1-score1-2=
| RD1-score1-agg=
Semifinals Finals

See also

-- This module will implement {{TeamBracket}}
local p = {}
local HtmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder')
local args
local rounds
local padding

local function getArgs(frame)
	local parent = frame:getParent();
	local args = parent.args;
	for k,v in pairs(frame.args) do 
		args[k] = v
	return args;

function getSeeds()
	local seeds = {1, 2}
	local count = 2
	local before = false
	for r = 2, rounds do
		local max = math.pow(2, r)
		for i = 1, count do
			local pos = i * 2
			if before then pos = pos - 1 end
			table.insert(seeds, pos, max - seeds[i * 2 - 1] + 1)
			before = not before
		count = count * 2
	return seeds

function addTableRow(tbl)
	return tbl.tag('tr')

function addBlank(row, width)
	local cell = row.tag('td')
		.css('border-width', '0')
		.css('border-style', 'solid')
		.css('border-color', 'black')
	if width then
		cell.css('width', width)
	return cell

function addPath(rows, index, round, top, left)
	local prop = top and 'border-bottom-width' or 'border-top-width'
	if left and round == 1 then
		addBlank(rows[index]).css('height', '7px')
		addBlank(rows[index + 1]).css('height', '7px')
		return nil
		local cell = addBlank(rows[index]).attr('rowspan', '2')
		if left or round < rounds and not left then
			cell.css(prop, '2px')
		return cell

function getWidth(param, default)
	local arg = args[param .. '-width']
	if not arg or string.len(arg) == 0 then
		arg = default
	if tonumber(arg) ~= nil then
		arg = arg .. 'px'
	return arg

function getTeamArg(round, type, team)
	return args[getTeamArgName(round, type, team)]

function getTeamArgName(round, type, team)
	return string.format('RD%d-%s' .. padding, round, type, team)

function getRoundName(round)
	local name = args['RD' .. round]
	if name and string.len(name) > 0 then
		return name
	local roundFromLast = rounds - round + 1
	if roundFromLast == 1 then
		return "รอบชิงชนะเลิศ"
	elseif roundFromLast == 2 then
		return "รอบรองชนะเลิศ"
	elseif roundFromLast == 3 then
		return "รอบก่อนรองชนะเลิศ"
		return "รอบผู้เข้าแข่งขัน " .. math.pow(2, roundFromLast) .. " คน"
function renderTeam(row, round, team)
	local seedArg = getTeamArg(round, 'seed', team)
	-- seed value for the paired team
	local pairSeedArg = getTeamArg(round, 'seed',
		team % 2 == 0 and team - 1 or team + 1)
	-- show seed if seed is defined for either or both
	local showSeed = seedArg and string.len(seedArg) > 0
		or pairSeedArg and string.len(pairSeedArg) > 0
	if showSeed then
			.attr('rowspan', '2')
			.css('text-align', 'center')
			.css('background-color', '#f2f2f2')
			.css('border', '1px solid #aaa')
	local teamArg = getTeamArg(round, 'team', team)
	if not teamArg or string.len(teamArg) == 0 then
		teamArg = '&nbsp;'
	local teamCell = row.tag('td')
		.attr('rowspan', '2')
		.css('background-color', '#f9f9f9')
		.css('border', '1px solid #aaa')
		.css('padding', '0 2px')
	if not showSeed then
		teamCell.attr('colspan', '2')
		.attr('rowspan', '2')
		.css('text-align', 'center')
		.css('border', '1px solid #aaa')
		.css('background-color', '#f9f9f9')
		.wikitext(getTeamArg(round, 'score', team))

function renderRound(rows, count, r)	
	local teams = math.pow(2, rounds - r + 1)
	local step = count / teams
	local top = true
	local open = false
	local team = 1
	for i = 1, count, step do
		local offset, height, blank
		-- leave room for groups for teams other than first and last
		if team == 1 or team == teams then
			offset = top and i or i + 2
			height = step - 2
			offset = top and i + 1 or i + 2
			height = step - 3
		if height > 0 then
			blank = addBlank(rows[offset])
				.attr('colspan', '5')
				.attr('rowspan', height)
		-- add bracket
		local j = top and i + step - 2 or i
		addPath(rows, j, r, top, true)
		renderTeam(rows[j], r, team)
		local right = addPath(rows, j, r, top, false)
		if not top then open = not open end
		if open and r < rounds then
			if blank then blank.css('border-right-width', '2px') end
			right.css('border-right-width', '2px')
		team = team + 1
		top = not top

function renderGroups(rows, count, round)
	local roundFromLast = rounds - round + 1
	local groups = math.pow(2, roundFromLast - 2)
	local step = count / groups
	local group = 1
	for i = step / 2, count, step do
		local name = 'RD' .. round .. '-group' .. group
		addBlank(rows[i]).css('height', '7px')
		addBlank(rows[i + 1]).css('height', '7px')
			.attr('rowspan', '2')
			.attr('colspan', 5 * round - 1)
			.css('text-align', 'center')
			.css('border-right-width', '2px')
		group = group + 1

function renderTree(tbl)
	-- create 3 rows for every team
	local count = math.pow(2, rounds) * 3
	local rows = {}
	for i = 1, count do
		rows[i] = addTableRow(tbl)
	-- fill rows with groups
	for r = 1, rounds - 1 do
		renderGroups(rows, count, r)
	-- fill rows with bracket
	for r = 1, rounds do
		renderRound(rows, count, r)

function renderHeading(tbl)
	local titleRow = addTableRow(tbl)
	local widthRow = addTableRow(tbl)
	for r = 1, rounds do
		addBlank(widthRow, r > 1 and '5px' or nil)
			.attr('colspan', '3')
			.css('text-align', 'center')
			.css('border', '1px solid #aaa')
			.css('background-color', '#f2f2f2')
		addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('seed', '25px')).wikitext('&nbsp;')
		addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('team', '150px')).wikitext('&nbsp;')
		addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('score', '25px')).wikitext('&nbsp;')
		addBlank(widthRow, r < rounds and '5px' or nil)

function p.teamBracket(frame)
	args = getArgs(frame)
	rounds = tonumber(args.rounds) or 2
	local teams = math.pow(2, rounds)
	padding = '%0' .. (teams < 10 and 1 or 2) .. 'd'
	-- set default seeds for round 1
	local seeds = getSeeds()
	local argname;
	for i = 1, table.getn(seeds) do
		argname = getTeamArgName(1, 'seed', i)
		if not args[argname] then
			args[argname] = seeds[i]

	local tbl = HtmlBuilder.create('table')
		.css('border-style', 'none')
		.css('font-size', '90%')
		.css('margin', '1em 2em 1em 1em')
		.css('border-collapse', 'separate')
		.css('border-spacing', '0')
	return tostring(tbl)
return p