
The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is one of the four terrestrial planets in our Solar System. This means most of its mass is solid. The other tree are Mercury, Mars, and Venus. The Earth is also called the Blue Planet, Planet Earth, and Terra.

The Earth is home to millions of species of plants and animals, including humans.

Earth is the only planet in the galaxy which is known to support life.

Earth has many places that are suitable for humans to live; although, some areas of the planet can be dangerous for humans or uninhabitable.

Earth has born in 4.5 thousand million year ago ,Species on Earth change the weather.In 71% of earth surface cover by Ocean.

Earth is one star in solar system to have water in Liquid state more 29% have soil to take by rock which has continent and Island

Earth is related to other objects in the solar system. Especially the sun and the moon. One orbit around the sun takes about one year or 365.25 days. The Earth revolves around itself, one day called. And one year orbiting the sun. For this reason, there are 365 days in a year but there are leap years with one additional day every four years.


  • "Earth is a Planet". Duzit, E.Z., พiddleSchool Books. April 2004, London. Retrieved 04:26, วันพุธ กรกฎาคม 17, 2024 (UTC).