ผู้ใช้:AH Office/Documentation awaiting review amendments

Using the number 35 in the English alphabet.

 สำเร็จ Using numbers and letters in the database 35.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z
  27. 1
  28. 2
  29. 3
  30. 4
  31. 5
  32. 6
  33. 7
  34. 8
  35. 9
  36. AA
  37. AB
  38. AC
  39. AD
  40. AE
  41. AF
  42. AG
  43. AH
  44. AI
  45. AJ
  46. AK
  47. AL
  48. AM
  49. AN
  50. AO
  51. AP
  52. AQ
  53. AR
  54. AS
  55. AT
  56. AU
  57. AV
  58. AW
  59. AX
  60. AY
  61. AZ
  62. A1
  63. A2
  64. A3
  65. A4
  66. A5
  67. A6
  68. A7
  69. A8
  70. A9
  71. BA
  72. BB
  73. BC
  74. BD
  75. BE
  76. BF
  77. BG
  78. BH
  79. BI
  80. BJ
  81. BK
  82. BL
  83. BM
  84. BN
  85. BO
  86. BP
  87. BQ
  88. BR
  89. BS
  90. BT
  91. BU
  92. BV
  93. BW
  94. BX
  95. BY
  96. BZ
  97. B1
  98. B2
  99. B3
  100. B4
  101. B5
  102. B6
  103. B7
  104. B8
  105. B9
  106. CA
  107. CB
  108. CC
  109. CD
  110. CE
  111. CF
  112. CG
  113. CH
  114. CI
  115. CJ
  116. CK
  117. CL
  118. CM
  119. CN
  120. CO

 ไม่สำเร็จUsing numbers and letters in the database 35.

Use that number by 35, and then divide by the amount of any amount. Instead, the main unit will be equal to the number in descending order from there. Normally positive sequence such as 120 multiplied by 35 plus 1 is equal to the COA in the base number 10 is the number of 4,201, TA equals 701, 7BI equal to the number of 1,234 in the number 10 in binary opposites. It converts the return value in the same way as the 35 that PLG is that 16 times 35 times 35 plus 12 plus 7 equals the number 20027 in base 10 if it is traced back to the 20027 divided 35 equals 572.2 (point 2. , unit is 20 percent of 35 equals G) 572 divided by 35 equals 16.34286 (34286 is the tens digit is equal to 34.286 percent of the 35 L) 16 divided by 35 is not less than a hundred, according to a preliminary list of P, so the number. 20027 in decimal is equal to the number of characters in base 35 that the GPL.

:Prepared by 陈语 言. Their knowledge of the site named. https://sites.google.com/

:::::::::::: การใช้จำนวนฐาน ๔๘ ในภาษาไทย

 สำเร็จ The base number 48 stream in Projection.

  • ๑. ก
  • ๒. ข
  • ๓. ฃ
  • ๔. ค
  • ๕. ฅ
  • ๖. ฆ
  • ๗. ง
  • ๘. จ
  • ๙. ฉ
  • ๑๐. ช
  • ๑๑. ซ
  • ๑๒. ฌ
  • ๑๓. ญ
  • ๑๔. ฎ
  • ๑๕. ฏ
  • ๑๖. ฐ
  • ๑๗. ฑ
  • ๑๘. ฒ
  • ๑๙. ณ
  • ๒๐. ด
  • ๒๑. ต
  • ๒๒. ถ
  • ๒๓. ท
  • ๒๔. ธ
  • ๒๕. น
  • ๒๖. บ
  • ๒๗. ป
  • ๒๘. ผ
  • ๒๙. ฝ
  • ๓๐. พ
  • ๓๑. ฟ
  • ๓๒. ภ
  • ๓๓. ม
  • ๓๔. ย
  • ๓๕. ร
  • ๓๖. ฤ
  • ๓๗. ฤๅ
  • ๓๘. ล
  • ๓๙. ฦ
  • ๔๐. ฦๅ
  • ๔๑. ว
  • ๔๒. ษ
  • ๔๓. ศ
  • ๔๔. ส
  • ๔๕. ห
  • ๔๖. ฬ
  • ๔๗. อ
  • ๔๘. ฮ

AHพูดคุย 09:31, 19 ธันวาคม 2556 (ICT)

หมวดหมู่:แก้ไข ผู้ใช้:AH Office/Documentation awaiting review amendments