12 tests failed.

Text Expected Actual
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|15 September 2013}} 128 months ago 10 years ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{CURRENTTIMESTAMP}}}} 0 seconds ago 0 seconds ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|15 September 2013|purge=yes}} 128 months ago (purge) 10 years ago (purge)
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{CURRENTTIMESTAMP}}|purge=yes}} 0 seconds ago (purge) 0 seconds ago (purge)
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009}} 15 years ago 15 years ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=minutes}} 7931456 minutes ago 7931456 minutes ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=days}} 5507 days ago 5507 days ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=weeks}} 786 weeks ago 786 weeks ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=months}} 177 months ago 177 months ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2049|magnitude=months}} 293 months' time 293 months' time
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|Julio 1}} Error: first parameter cannot be parsed as a date or time. Error: first parameter cannot be parsed as a date or time.
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=fruits}} 475887398 seconds ago 475887398 seconds ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main}} 0 seconds ago 0 seconds ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=HoUrS}} 475887398 seconds ago 475887398 seconds ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|4 August 2057}} 33 years' time 33 years' time
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|15 September 2013|ago=in the past}} 128 months in the past 10 years in the past
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{CURRENTTIMESTAMP}}|min_magnitude=weeks}} 0 weeks ago 0 weeks ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|15 September 2013|ago=}} 128 months 10 years
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{#time: r | -12 months -14 days}}|magnitude=months|spellout=yes}} twelve months ago 12 months ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{#time: r | -12 months -14 days}}|magnitude=months|spellout=y}} twelve months ago 12 months ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{#time: r | -12 months -14 days}}|magnitude=months|spellout=y|spelloutmax=11}} 12 months ago 12 months ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{#time: r | -12 months -14 days}}|magnitude=months|spellout=auto}} 12 months ago 12 months ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{#time: r | -4 years -14 days}}|magnitude=years|spellout=auto}} four years ago 4 years ago
checkY {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|July 1 2009|magnitude=weeks|spellout=yes}} 786 weeks ago 786 weeks ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}|magnitude=days}} 1164501 days ago 3846 days ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}|magnitude=hours}} 27948047 hours ago 92318 hours ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}|magnitude=minutes}} 1676882853 minutes ago 5539092 minutes ago
 ไม่สำเร็จ {{#invoke:TimeAgo/sandbox|main|{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}|magnitude=seconds}} 100612971220 seconds ago 332345540 seconds ago

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