ผลต่างระหว่างรุ่นของ "ผู้ใช้:Phongphan117/กระบะทราย"

เนื้อหาที่ลบ เนื้อหาที่เพิ่ม
Phongphan117 (คุย | ส่วนร่วม)
Phongphan117 (คุย | ส่วนร่วม)
บรรทัด 15:
| alt =
| caption =
| pushpin_map = a
| pushpin_mapsize = b
| pushpin_image = c
| pushpin_label_position = d
| pushpin_label = e
| pushpin_map_alt = f
| pushpin_map_caption = g
| address = h
| location = ที่อยู่
| region = i
| city = <!-- or | town = -->
| state = j
| province = k
| county = ประเทศ
| postcode = l <!-- or | postalcode = -->
| zipcode = m
| country = n
| country1 = o
| latd = p <!-- or | latitude = -->
| latm = q
| lats = r
| latNS = s
| longd = t <!-- or | longitude = -->
| longm = u
| longs = v
| longEW = w
| iso_region = x
| coordinates_display = y
| dms = z
| coordinates = aa
| schooltype = ab
| fundingtype = ac
| type = ad
| motto = ae <!-- or | mottoes = -->
| motto_translation = af
| religious_affiliation = ag
| denomination = ah
| patron = ai
| established = aj <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| founded = ak
| opened = al
| founder = am <!-- or | founders = -->
| status = an
| closed = ao
| locale = ap
| sister_school = aq
| schoolboard = ar
| district = as
| us_nces_district_id = at
| LEA = au
| educational_authority = av <!-- or | authority = -->
| category = aw <!-- use | category_label = to override the default label -->
| oversight = ax <!-- use | oversight_label = to override the default label -->
| authorizer = ay
| superintendent = az
| trustee = ba
| specialist = bb<!-- or | specialists = -->
| session = bc
| number = bd
| school_code = be
| MOE = bf
| ofsted = bg
| ceeb = bh
| us_nces_school_id = bi
| president = bj
| chair = bk <!-- use | chair_label = to override the default label -->
| chairman = bl <!-- use | chairman_label = to override the default label -->
| chairperson = bm <!-- use | chairperson_label = to override the default label -->
| dean = bn
| administrator = bo
| rector = bp
| director = bq
| principal = br <!-- use | principal_label = to override the default label -->
| campus_director = bs
| headmistress = bt
| headmaster = bu
| head_of_school = bv
| head_teacher = bw
| executive_headteacher = bx
| acting_headteacher = by
| head = bz <!-- use | head_name = to override the default label -->
| officer_in_charge = ca
| chaplain = cb
| staff = cc
| faculty = cd
| teaching_staff = ce
| employees = cf
| key_people = cg
| grades = ch <!-- use | grades_label = to override the default label -->
| years = ci
| years_taught = cj <!-- use | nursery_years_taught =, | primary_years_taught =, | secondary_years_taught = for additional information -->
| gender = ck <!-- use | gender_label = to override the default label -->
| age_range = cl <!-- or | lower_age = and | upper_age = -->
| lower_age = cm <!-- or | age_range = -->
| upper_age = cn <!-- or | age_range = -->
| enrolment = co <!-- or | enrollment = -->
| enrolment_as_of = cp <!-- or | enrollment_as_of = -->
| students = cq
| sixth_form_students = cr
| pupils = cs
| grade_preK = ct
| gradeK = cu
| grade1 = cv
| grade2 = cw
| grade3 = cx
| grade4 = cy
| grade5 = cz
| grade6 = da
| grade7 = db
| grade8 = dc
| grade9 = dd
| grade10 = de
| grade11 = dg
| grade12 = dg
| grade13 = dh
| other = di <!-- use | other_grade_label = to override the default label -->
| other_grade_label_1 = dj
| other_grade_enrollment_1 = dk
| other_grade_label_2 = dl
| other_grade_enrollment_2 = dm
| international_students = dn
| classes = do
| avg_class_size = dp
| ratio = dq
| system = dr
| classes_offered = ds
| medium_of_language = dt
| language = du
| schedule_type = dv
| schedule = dw
| hours_in_day = dx
| classrooms = dy
| campuses = dz
| campus = ea
| campus_size = eb
| area = ec
| campus_type = ed
| houses = ee
| student_union = ef <!-- use | student_union_label = to override the default label -->
| colours = eg <!-- or | colors = -->
| school_colours = eh <!-- or | school_colors = -->
| slogan = ei
| song = ej
| fight_song = ek
| athletics = el
| athletics_conference = em
| sports = en
| mascot = eo
| mascot_image = ep
| nickname = eq
| teams = er <!-- use | teams_label = to override the default label -->
| team_name = es
| rivals = et <!-- or | rival = -->
| accreditation = eu <!-- or | accreditations = -->
| ranking = ev
| USNWR_ranking = ew
| national_ranking = ex
| test_name = ey
| test_average = ez
| SAT = fa
| SAT_year = fb
| ACT = fc
| ACT_year = fd
| bar_pass_rate = fe
| school_roll = ff
| decile = fg
| publication = fh
| newspaper = fi
| yearbook = fj
| products = fk
| endowment = fl
| budget = fn
| fees = fo
| annual_tuition = fp
| tuition = fq
| revenue = fr
| communities = fs
| feeder_schools = ft
| feeder_to =
| graduates =