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หน้าใหม่: เส้นเวลาของประวัติศาสตร์ธรรมชาติ คือ เส้นเวลาที่บอกถึงประ...

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เส้นเวลาของประวัติศาสตร์ธรรมชาติ คือ เส้นเวลาที่บอกถึงประวัติศาสตร์ของธรรมชาติตั้งแต่การเกิดบิกแบงจนถึงปัจจุบัน



In the earliest solar system history, the sun, the planetesimals and the jovian planets were formed. The inner solar system aggregated more slowly than the outer, so the terrestrial planets were not yet formed, including Earth and Moon.



Eoarchaean Era

Paleoarchaean Era

Mesoarchaean Era

Neoarchaean Era

Proterozoic Eon

Paleoproterozoic Era

Siderian Period

Rhyacian Period

Orosirian Period

Statherian Period

Mesoproterozoic Era

Calymmian Period

Ectasian Period

Stenian Period

Neoproterozoic Era

Tonian Period

Cryogenian Period

Ediacaran Period

Phanerozoic Eon

Paleozoic Era

Cambrian Period

Ordovician Period

  • 485.4 ± 1.9 Ma: Beginning of the Ordovician and the end of the Cambrian Period.
  • 485 Ma: First jawless fishes.
  • 450 Ma: Plants and arthropods colonize the land. Sharks evolve.
  • 440 Ma: First agnathan fish.

Silurian Period

  • 443.4 ± 1.5 Ma: Beginning of the Silurian and the end of the Ordovician Period.
  • 420 Ma: First creature took a breath of air. First ray-finned fish and land scorpions.
  • 410 Ma: First toothed fish and nautiloids.

Devonian Period

Carboniferous Period

Permian Period

Mesozoic Era

Triassic Period

Jurassic Period

Cretaceous Period

Cenozoic Era

Paleogene Period

Neogene Period

Quaternary Period

Etymology of period names

Period Started Root word Meaning Reason for name
Siderian 2500 Ma Greek sidēros iron ref. the banded iron formations
Rhyacian 2300 Ma Gk. rhyax lava flow much lava flowed
Orosirian 2050 Ma Gk. oroseira mountain range much orogeny in this period's latter half
Statherian 1800 Ma Gk. statheros steady continents became stable cratons
Calymmian 1600 Ma Gk. calymma cover platform covers developed or expanded
Ectasian 1400 Ma Gk. ectasis stretch platform covers expanded
Stenian 1200 Ma Gk. stenos narrow much orogeny, which survives as narrow metamorphic belts
Tonian 1000 Ma Gk. tonos stretch The continental crust stretched as Rodinia broke up
Cryogenian 850 Ma Gk. cryogenicos cold-making In this period all the Earth froze over
Ediacaran 635 Ma Ediacara Hills place in Australia where the Ediacaran biota fossils were found
Cambrian 542 Ma Latin Cambria Wales ref. to the place in Great Britain where Cambrian rocks are best exposed
Ordovician 488 Ma Celtic Ordovices Tribe in north Wales, where the rocks were first identified
Silurian 444 Ma Ctc. Silures Tribe in south Wales, where the rocks were first identified
Devonian 416 Ma Devon County in England in which rocks from this period were first identified
Carboniferous 359 Ma Lt. carbo coal Global coal beds were laid in this period
Permian 299 Ma Perm Krai Region in Russia where rocks from this period were first identified
Triassic 250 Ma Lt. trias triad In Germany this period forms three distinct layers
Jurassic 200 Ma Jura Mountains Mountain range in the Alps in which rocks from this period were first identified
Cretaceous 146 Ma Lt. creta chalk More chalk formed in this period than any other
Paleogene 66 Ma Gk. palaiogenos "ancient born"
Neogene 23 Ma Gk. neogenos "new born"
Quaternary 2.6 Ma Lt. quaternarius "fourth" This was initially deemed the "fourth" period after the now-obsolete "primary", "secondary" and "tertiary" periods.


  1. Amelin,Yuri, Alexander N. Krot, Ian D. Hutcheon, & Alexander A. Ulyanov (Sept 2002), "Lead Isotopic Ages of Chondrules and Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions" (Science, 6 September 2002: Vol. 297. no. 5587, pp. 1678 - 1683)
  2. According to isotopicAges, the Ca-Al-I's (= Ca-Al-rich inclusions) here formed in a proplyd (= protoplanetary disk]).
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  6. Brocks et al. (1999), "Archaean molecular fossils and the early rise of eukaryotes", (Science 285)
  7. Canfield, D (1999), "A Breath of Fresh Air" (Nature 400)
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